ContactOut’s Definitive Guide to Conducting Reference Checks

What’s this about? 🤔

Ever heard the saying, “Trust, but verify?” That’s basically what character references are all about. Beyond just fact-checking, it’s about gaining a holistic understanding of a candidate’s past performance and behavior. By speaking to previous employers and colleagues, you get a clearer picture of who the candidate truly is, beyond what’s written on paper.


What will you learn? 🎯

You’ll uncover the secrets behind effective reference checks, ensuring you’re not just taking a candidate’s word for it. By the end, character references will become your go-to tool for validating a candidate’s claims. Dive deeper, and you’ll discover how to ask the right questions, ensuring you gather comprehensive insights every time.


Why is it important? 🌟

Here’s a fun fact: A staggering 92.5% of UK workers have jazzed up their CVs a tad. And of those, 71.6% landed jobs with those embellished tales. So, unless you want to fall for a fairy tale, it’s time to get real with reference checks.


1. Always Ask First

It’s all about respect. Inform the candidate before reaching out to their references. It’s the courteous thing to do.

2. Crafty Questions

Don’t just ask; ask right. Aim for questions that reveal the true essence of the candidate.

Here are some sample questions (and why they’re gold)

Question Why It’s Worth Asking
How long have you known the candidate, and in what capacity? This establishes the context of the relationship and helps determine the weight and relevance of the feedback.
Can you describe the candidate’s role and their main responsibilities? To validate the accuracy of the candidate’s claims about their job duties and to understand the scope of their previous roles.
How would you rate the candidate’s ability to handle stress or pressure? This gives insight into the candidate’s resilience, adaptability, and how they might perform in challenging situations.
Can you provide an example of a project or task where the candidate exceeded expectations? To gauge the candidate’s initiative, drive, and ability to go above and beyond.
How does the candidate handle feedback or criticism? This assesses the candidate’s openness to growth, adaptability, and whether they view feedback as an opportunity for improvement.
Were there any areas where the candidate could improve or needed additional training? To identify potential gaps or areas of growth, helping the hiring company prepare for onboarding and training.
How did the candidate interact with their peers, supervisors, and direct reports? To understand the candidate’s interpersonal skills, teamwork abilities, and how they fit into different organizational dynamics.
Would you rehire this candidate? If not, why? This is a direct way to gauge the overall satisfaction with the candidate’s performance and to identify any potential red flags.
How does the candidate handle conflict or disagreements in the workplace? To assess the candidate’s conflict resolution skills, emotional intelligence, and ability to maintain a positive work environment.
Can you describe a time when the candidate demonstrated leadership skills or took the initiative? To identify instances of proactiveness, leadership potential, and the ability to take charge when necessary.

3. Expand Your Horizons

Official references are great, but sometimes, a casual colleague or an old boss might lead to more meaningful insights. Don’t forget about team members they collaborated with on projects, mentors who guided them, or even direct reports who can provide a unique perspective on their leadership style.

4. Facts > Feelings

Stick to concrete information. Remember, opinions can be misleading.

5. Documentation is Key

Jot down or make a record of everything. It’s not just for compliance; it’s for clarity. Future you will be grateful.

Best in Miniature scene. Subtitle: Check, check, check


Next steps 🚀:

  • Armed with these insights, refine your approach.
  • Every candidate is unique, and so is every reference.
  • Tailor your questions based on the role and the candidate’s experience.
  • Always, keep an open mind.


Further resources 📚:

📌 How Do You Conduct A Great Reference Check?
📌 With This Guide, You’ll Be a Reference Check Pro in No Time
📌 Recruiting: How to Do a Reference Check


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