Chrome Extension

Prospect faster on
LinkedIn & any
company website

Get emails and phone numbers for 75%
of people on LinkedIn. Add prospects to
an email campaign in one click.

LinkedIn Sourcing Hero Back LinkedIn Sourcing Hero Front

Trusted by
1.4M recruiters and sales reps from Fortune 500 companies

Microsoft Tenstorrent WarnerMedia Societe Generale Google Yelp

Prospect 10x faster

Find the most accurate emails
and phone numbers for 300M professionals
on LinkedIn directly.

Seamless workflows

Add prospects to automated email
campaigns in one-click. Save to your
CRM & ATS instantly.

Vast & accurate data

Access 300M+ personal and
work emails. Triple verified B2B data
with 99% confidence.

Privacy compliant

Our data is compliant with GDPR and USA
privacy laws. Prospect with confidence.

LinkedIn prospecting

Find verified emails and phone numbers
on LinkedIn

  • Prospect 300M professionals
    directly on LinkedIn.
  • Access millions of verified emails
    and direct dials.
LinkedIn Propecting

ContactOut Anywhere

Find decision-makers on company websites

  • Identify and engage the right
    decision makers.
  • Save research time and focus
    on selling.
ContactOut Anywhere

AI Personalizer

Personalize emails automatically with AI

  • Get 4x your response rate by generating hyper-personalized emails with the click of a button.
  • Save hours on manual research.

List building

Create laser-focused quality lead lists in seconds

  • Bulk reveal and save all LinkedIn
    results in one click.
  • Sync and enrich your CRM & ATS
List Building

Seamless engagement

Engage with
prospects instantly

  • Add prospects to email campaigns in one click.
  • Follow up from your CRM & ATS right away.
Seamless Engagement
Data Prospecting Illustration

Prospect faster
with the most
accurate data ever

Hourly Data Updates
CCPA & GDPR Compliant
Triple-verified with 99% Confidence
Mail 150M Personal Emails
Briefcase 200M Work Emails
Phone 100M Direct Dials
Building 30M Company Profiles

Power up your existing tools with ContactOut data

Integrate ContactOut to your
existing applications easily.
Accelerate your prospecting workflows
to get more done.

Learn more


Hear what our customers have to say

“This is such a great and simple tool to use.”
Tobia St Germain
Tobia St Germain
"Find personal mails seamlessly. Thanks for this tool!"
Ekin Bayildiran
Ekin Bayildiran
Societe Generale
“Very easy to use, and it gives contact details that are not available on others I have used.”
Barbara Ball
Barbara Ball
Societe Generale
“Love it! I use it every day.”
Camille Verdier
Camille Verdier
Robert Half
“Great email tool. I've used a few other services and ContactOut is the easiest one to use.”
Jon Nowakowski
Jon Nowakowski
Robert Half
“Excellent product, very small chance of error.”
Farida Charania
Farida Charania
TXT International
"ContactOut helps us speak to candidates that we otherwise would not be able to reach via social media."
Aqeel Hassan
Aqeel Hassan
Director of Business Development
“Love this extension and would recommend it to anyone looking for a tool to find email addresses.”
Evan M. Wolfson
Evan M. Wolfson
“Great product! ContactOut has tripled the yield of our InMail strategy on LinkedIn (which isn't delivering us ROI anymore).”
Ryan Brogan
Ryan Brogan


Hear what
our customers
have to say

Star Star Star Star Star

“For us, this is it.
We’ve got to use

ContactOut helps us connect with people I am not currently connected to but need their contact info rather quickly.
It helps you do your job correctly and more efficiently.”

BDEX logo

BDEX VP image

Brian Hathway

Vice President of Business Development, BDEX

Won New Big Clients

such as Amazon, Estee Lauder & Citibank

2x Sales Outputs

With increased speed & accuracy in prospecting

More Sales Closed

within weeks from first contact

Star Star Star Star Star
Lead Intelligence
solution on G2 Crowd
G2 Crowd Ratings Comparison for
Lead Intelligence

Reach the right prospects
with ContactOut

Engage with confidence using ContactOut’s triple-verified emails and phone numbers.

Try ContactOut for Free