Valorie Jones Email & Phone Number

Valorie Jones

Assistant Production Manager at Walton Arts Center | Greater Fayetteville, AR Area

Valorie Jones Socials
About Valorie Jones

Valorie Jones currently serves as the Assistant Production Manager at Walton Arts Center, where she leverages her extensive experience in the performing arts industry to ensure seamless execution of live events. With a strong foundation in production management, Valorie plays a pivotal role in overseeing local crew supervision, artist hospitality, and logistics, making her an integral part of the team that brings diverse performances to life. Her expertise in project management and stage management allows her to effectively coordinate complex schedules and resources, ensuring that each production runs smoothly from inception to final curtain.

In her role, Valorie is particularly focused on enhancing guest service and artist experiences, which are critical components of successful live events. She skillfully manages hotel accommodations and logistics for touring artists, ensuring that their needs are met with the highest standards of hospitality. Her background in sales management and the hospitality industry further enriches her ability to create welcoming environments for both performers and audiences alike.

Valorie's commitment to excellence is evident in her involvement with key projects at Walton Arts Center, where she collaborates with various stakeholders to deliver memorable experiences. Her proficiency in social media and public speaking also allows her to effectively communicate with audiences and promote events, enhancing the center's visibility in the community. A graduate of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Valorie combines her academic knowledge with practical skills to navigate the dynamic landscape of live events, making her a valuable asset to the Walton Arts Center and the broader performing arts community.

Valorie Jones Work
1 experience icon

Assistant Production Manager at Walton Arts Center in July 2010 to Present

2 experience icon

Production Services Manager at Walton Arts Center in February 2014 to Present

3 experience icon

Chief Executive Officer at Warhorse Legacy Foundation Inc. in October 2018 to Present

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Valorie Jones Skills

Stage Management

Production Management


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About Valorie Jones's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Valorie Jones

What company does Valorie Jones work for?

Valorie Jones works for Walton Arts Center

What is Valorie Jones's role at Walton Arts Center?

Valorie Jones is Assistant Production Manager

What is Valorie Jones's personal email address?

Valorie Jones's personal email address is va****[email protected]

What is Valorie Jones's business email address?

Valorie Jones's business email address is v****[email protected]

What is Valorie Jones's Phone Number?

Valorie Jones's phone (**) *** *** 155

What industry does Valorie Jones work in?

Valorie Jones works in the Performing Arts industry.

Valorie Jones Email Addresses

Valorie Jones Phone Numbers

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