Ted Balestreri Email & Phone Number

Ted Balestreri

Chairman and CEO at Cannery Row Company | Monterey, California, United States

Ted Balestreri Socials
About Ted Balestreri

Ted Balestreri, a prominent figure in the restaurant and tourism industries, has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of the Monterey Peninsula since his arrival from Brooklyn in 1957. As the founding CEO and Chairman of the Cannery Row Company, he has been instrumental in revitalizing Cannery Row, a historic district that attracts millions of visitors each year. Under his leadership, the company has successfully developed a diverse portfolio that includes the iconic Sardine Factory Restaurant and the Inns of Monterey, both of which exemplify his commitment to excellence in hospitality management and customer experience.

At Cannery Row Company, Ted oversees a robust real estate division that owns and manages a significant portion of Cannery Row, comprising 82% of the area’s commercial properties. This includes luxury hotels, vibrant restaurants, and unique retail shops, all contributing to the region's reputation as a premier tourist destination. Ted's expertise in property management and event management has allowed the company to create dynamic spaces that enhance the visitor experience while fostering community engagement.

Key projects under Ted's leadership have included innovative marketing strategies that leverage the area's rich history and natural beauty, attracting both local and international tourists. His vision for sustainable tourism and responsible development has not only preserved the cultural heritage of Cannery Row but has also set a benchmark for future developments in the hospitality and real estate sectors. With a deep understanding of the food and beverage industry, Ted continues to drive the success of his enterprises, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the hospitality landscape in California.

Ted Balestreri Work
1 experience icon

Chairman and CEO at Cannery Row Company in January 1968 to Present

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Chairman & Co-Founder at The Sardine Factory Restaurant in January 1968 to Present

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Chairman & CEO at Inns of Monterey in January 2001 to Present

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Ted Balestreri Education

Lewis Hotel Training School, Washington, D.C., Hotel Management

Johnson & Wales University, Honorary Doctorate of Business Administration and Degree in Hospitality Management

Ted Balestreri Skills


Mergers & Acquisitions


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About Ted Balestreri's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Ted Balestreri

What is Ted Balestreri email address?

Email Ted Balestreri at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ted Balestreri's email found in 2025.

What is Ted Balestreri phone number?

Ted Balestreri phone number is (831) 649-6690.

How to contact Ted Balestreri?

To contact Ted Balestreri send an email at [email protected] you want to call Ted Balestreri try calling on (831) 649-6690.

What company does Ted Balestreri work for?

Ted Balestreri works for Cannery Row Company

What is Ted Balestreri's role at Cannery Row Company?

Ted Balestreri is Chairman and CEO

What industry does Ted Balestreri work in?

Ted Balestreri works in the Hospitality industry.

Ted Balestreri Email Addresses

Email Ted Balestreri at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ted Balestreri's email found in 2025.

Ted Balestreri Phone Numbers

Ted Balestreri phone number is (831) 649-6690.
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