ContactOut’s Definitive Guide to Closing Tips for Recruiters

This guide dives deep into the nuanced world of closing a candidate. It’s not just about the salary package; it’s about understanding, connecting, and strategically aligning with a candidate’s aspirations and needs.

By the end of this guide, you’ll: 🧐

  • The art of understanding a candidate’s priorities beyond the paycheck.
  • Techniques to effectively counteroffer without just increasing the salary.
  • The importance of non-monetary perks and how they can tip the scales in your favor.

Why is it important? 💡

In today’s competitive recruitment landscape, top talent often has multiple offers. To stand out and secure the right candidate, recruiters need to offer more than just a competitive salary. They need to resonate with the candidate’s values, aspirations, and lifestyle.

Here’s the step-by-step guide + questions to ask 👟

1. Be Ready for the Curveballs 🔄

  • Always be ready for the possibility that your top candidate has other offers.
  • Engage in open dialogue to understand their position in the hiring process with other companies.

Your guiding questions:

“Have you been interviewing elsewhere recently?”

“Can you share if you’re expecting any offers or if you’ve received any?”

“What’s your timeline like for making a decision once you get an offer?”

“Do you have any factors that might accelerate your decision-making?”

2. Deep Dive into Priorities 🏊

  • Dive deep into what truly matters to the candidate. It could be work-life balance, company culture, or growth opportunities.
  • Tailor your discussions and offers based on these insights.

Your guiding questions:

“What’s the most important thing for you in a new role or company?”

“When you think about work-life balance, what does that look like to you?”

“Are there specific benefits or perks that have made a difference in your past roles?”

“Beyond the basics, what would make a job offer irresistible to you?”

“What’s a deal-breaker for you when considering a new opportunity?”

3. Tailor that Counteroffer 👔

  • Instead of just increasing the salary, align your counteroffer with their expressed needs and desires.
  • Highlight non-monetary benefits that your organization offers, which align with their priorities.

Your guiding questions:

“If there was one thing you could change about our initial offer, what would it be?”

“How do you value benefits like professional development or health and wellness perks compared to a higher salary?”

“Is there a particular non-salary aspect that the other offer has that caught your attention?”

“What would make our offer stand out against any others you might be considering?”

4. Culture is King (or Queen) 👑

  • Make the candidate feel that they will truly belong and thrive in your organization.
  • Share stories, introduce them to potential teammates, or even invite them for a casual coffee chat with the team.

Your guiding questions:

“Can you describe a time when you felt truly part of a company or team?”

“What’s your ideal team dynamic or management style?”

“Are there cultural aspects from your previous roles that you’d love to see replicated here?”

5. The Big Talk 📞

  • This is the final discussion where you address any reservations or concerns.
  • Be open, listen actively, and be prepared to negotiate or provide further clarifications.

Your guiding questions:

“How do you feel about our offer as it stands now?”

“Are there any concerns or reservations you’d like us to address?”

“Is there feedback from your current company regarding our offer that you’d be open to sharing?”

“Would you be open to discussing if your current employer presents a counteroffer?”

“What additional information or reassurances do you need to make a confident decision?”

👋 These probing questions can help recruiters dig deeper and understand a candidate’s preferences, concerns, and priorities, allowing them to tailor their approach and offers effectively.

Here’s an example of what might occur:

Scenario 1:

You’re trying to close a top software engineer who has another offer from a tech giant.

👋 Fret not! Understand that they might have a competitive offer in terms of salary.

Scenario 2:

Through discussions, you find out they value work-life balance and continuous learning.

👋 You found an opening. Instead of just increasing the salary, you offer flexible working hours and a yearly learning & development budget.

Scenario 3:

In the final discussion, you address their concerns about career growth and showcase the company’s roadmap, highlighting how they fit into the bigger picture.

👋 You seal the deal. You introduce them to the team, showcasing a collaborative and supportive environment.

Next steps 🚀:

  • Continuously refine your closing techniques based on feedback and experiences.
  • Engage in industry forums and webinars to understand evolving candidate priorities.
  • Collaborate with your HR team to enhance the non-monetary benefits your company offers.

Further resources 📚:

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