Tara Knowles Email & Phone Number

Tara Knowles

Deputy Creative Director, Content Marketing Leader at Deloitte | Greater Boston

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About Tara Knowles

Tara Knowles serves as the Deputy Creative Director and Content Marketing Leader at Deloitte, where she leverages her extensive expertise in B2B marketing to drive innovative strategies that enhance brand visibility and customer engagement. With a strong foundation in positioning and brand strategy, Tara excels in developing differentiated narratives that resonate with target audiences. Her leadership inspires creative teams to produce compelling, cross-channel marketing campaigns that not only meet business objectives but also foster a culture of creativity and collaboration.

In her current role, Tara is instrumental in executing integrated marketing initiatives that span social media, email marketing, and lead generation, ensuring that each campaign is aligned with Deloitte's overarching business goals. Recent projects under her guidance have garnered industry recognition, showcasing her ability to create impactful content that drives profitable growth. Tara's strategic approach to brand architecture and identity systems has positioned Deloitte as a thought leader in management consulting, further solidifying its reputation in the marketplace.

Tara's commitment to excellence is evident in her pursuit of innovative solutions that challenge the status quo. By harnessing data-driven insights and fostering strong analyst relations, she ensures that her teams deliver smart, hard-working creative that not only captivates audiences but also contributes to the bottom line. With a passion for storytelling and a relentless drive to win awards, Tara Knowles continues to shape the future of content marketing at Deloitte, making a lasting impact in the industry.

Tara Knowles Work
1 experience icon

Deputy Creative Director, Content Marketing Leader at Deloitte in June 2015 to Present

2 experience icon

Group Creative Director, Green Dot Agency at Deloitte in June 2015 to Present

3 experience icon

Senior marketing manager, East region, and East region marketing leader, DGES at Deloitte in December 2007 to June 2014

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Tara Knowles Education

College of the Holy Cross, B.A., January 1982 to January 1986

University College Dublin, M. Phil., January 1986 to January 1988

Tara Knowles Skills


Marketing Communications


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About Tara Knowles's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Tara Knowles

What is Tara Knowles email address?

Email Tara Knowles at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Tara Knowles's email found in 2025.

How to contact Tara Knowles?

To contact Tara Knowles send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Tara Knowles work for?

Tara Knowles works for Deloitte

What is Tara Knowles's role at Deloitte?

Tara Knowles is Deputy Creative Director, Content Marketing Leader

What is Tara Knowles's Phone Number?

Tara Knowles's phone (**) *** *** 299

What industry does Tara Knowles work in?

Tara Knowles works in the Management Consulting industry.

Tara Knowles Email Addresses

Email Tara Knowles at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Tara Knowles's email found in 2025.

Tara Knowles Phone Numbers

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