Paul Molitor Email & Phone Number

Paul Molitor

Person In Charge (PIC) Lead at BJ's Wholesale Club | Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States

Paul Molitor Socials
About Paul Molitor

As the Person In Charge (PIC) Lead at BJ's Wholesale Club in Ocean Township, New Jersey, Paul Molitor brings a unique blend of technical expertise and hands-on leadership to the forefront of retail operations. With a robust background in project management and operations management, he is adept at navigating the complexities of logistics, shipping, and receiving functions, ensuring that the club runs smoothly and efficiently. His role encompasses a variety of critical tasks, including overseeing opening and closing activities, managing curbside delivery, and optimizing the stocking and recovery of the sales floor.

Paul's commitment to improving operational efficiency is evident in his approach to problem-solving. He leverages his knowledge of Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud computing to implement innovative solutions that enhance overall quality and effectiveness. His attention to detail and ability to lead cross-functional teams have been instrumental in driving key projects that align with BJ's strategic goals. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and professional development, Paul not only builds diverse and talented teams but also empowers them through mentorship programs and domain-specific training.

In an industry that demands agility and responsiveness, Paul Molitor stands out as a leader who not only identifies challenges but also crafts actionable strategies to address them. His expertise in IT governance and the software development lifecycle (SDLC) further positions him as a pivotal figure in enhancing the club's operational framework. As he continues to navigate the evolving landscape of retail, Paul remains dedicated to delivering exceptional service and value to BJ's Wholesale Club and its members.

Paul Molitor Work
1 experience icon

Person In Charge (PIC) Lead at BJ's Wholesale Club in October 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

President and CEO at IDEA (Idea4industry) in December 2014 to December 2019

3 experience icon

AVP, Smart Grid and Strategic Initiatives at National Electrical Manufacturers Association in March 2009 to December 2014

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Paul Molitor Skills

Knowledge Management

Collaborative Leadership

IT Service Management

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About Paul Molitor's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Paul Molitor

What is Paul Molitor email address?

Email Paul Molitor at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Paul Molitor's email found in 2025.

What is Paul Molitor phone number?

Paul Molitor phone number is 732-991-7661.

How to contact Paul Molitor?

To contact Paul Molitor send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Paul Molitor try calling on 732-991-7661.

What company does Paul Molitor work for?

Paul Molitor works for BJ's Wholesale Club

What is Paul Molitor's role at BJ's Wholesale Club?

Paul Molitor is Person In Charge (PIC) Lead

What industry does Paul Molitor work in?

Paul Molitor works in the Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing industry.

Paul Molitor Email Addresses

Email Paul Molitor at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Paul Molitor's email found in 2025.

Paul Molitor Phone Numbers

Paul Molitor phone number is 732-991-7661.
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