Patrick Gunn Email & Phone Number

Patrick Gunn

Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer at VACAYA | Palm Springs, California, United States

Patrick Gunn Socials
About Patrick Gunn

As Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of VACAYA, Patrick Gunn is at the forefront of revolutionizing the travel and leisure industry through innovative marketing strategies and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. With a rich background that includes leadership roles at renowned companies like OMD, Disney, Electronic Arts, Yahoo!, Hewlett Packard, and Procter & Gamble, Patrick brings a wealth of experience in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. At VACAYA, he leverages his expertise in digital media and consumer marketing to develop integrated campaigns that not only promote the brand but also foster emotional connections with clients.

Patrick's role encompasses a multifaceted approach to marketing, where he acts as an imagineer, envisioning unique travel experiences that cater to the LGBTQ+ community and beyond. His commitment to social change is evident in VACAYA's initiatives, which prioritize inclusivity and representation in all marketing efforts. By analyzing industry trends and market opportunities, Patrick ensures that VACAYA stays ahead of the curve, creating memorable experiences that engage and inspire travelers.

Key projects under his leadership include the launch of innovative marketing campaigns that utilize social media and mobile platforms to enhance customer engagement and loyalty. Patrick’s strategic insights into CRM and market research have been instrumental in refining VACAYA's offerings, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of their target market. As a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion, Patrick Gunn continues to drive VACAYA's mission forward, making travel accessible and enjoyable for everyone. For more insights into his work and vision, visit or

Patrick Gunn Work
1 experience icon

Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer at VACAYA in November 2017 to Present

2 experience icon

Vice President of Marketing at Atlantis Events in June 2014 to June 2017

3 experience icon

Global Account Director at Media Direction OMD in January 2012 to September 2013

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Patrick Gunn Skills

Social Media

Marketing Strategy

Digital Media

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About Patrick Gunn's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Patrick Gunn

What is Patrick Gunn email address?

Email Patrick Gunn at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Patrick Gunn's email found in 2025.

How to contact Patrick Gunn?

To contact Patrick Gunn send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Patrick Gunn work for?

Patrick Gunn works for VACAYA

What is Patrick Gunn's role at VACAYA?

Patrick Gunn is Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer

What is Patrick Gunn's Phone Number?

Patrick Gunn's phone (213) ***-*455

What industry does Patrick Gunn work in?

Patrick Gunn works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.

Patrick Gunn Email Addresses

Email Patrick Gunn at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Patrick Gunn's email found in 2025.

Patrick Gunn Phone Numbers

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