Madhu B  .Menon Email & Phone Number

Madhu B .Menon

Director at SEAFOOD UNIVERSE( OCEAN BLUE PVT.LTD) | Ernakulam, Kerala, India

Madhu B .Menon Socials
About Madhu B .Menon

Madhu B Menon serves as the Director at Seafood Universe (Ocean Blue Pvt. Ltd.), bringing over 24 years of extensive experience in the seafood processing industry. His expertise encompasses a comprehensive range of activities, including shrimp processing, quality control, packaging, labeling, and overseas marketing. Under his leadership, Seafood Universe has successfully positioned itself as a key player in the global seafood market, particularly in the export of shrimp, fish, cephalopods, and other shellfish.

Madhu's strategic approach to price negotiation and market study has been instrumental in identifying new opportunities and optimizing supply chain efficiencies. His commitment to quality control ensures that all products meet stringent international standards, aligning with HACCP guidelines to guarantee food safety and quality. His hands-on experience in inventory management and key account management has allowed him to cultivate strong relationships with clients, enhancing customer service and feedback policies.

Trained under the esteemed Mr. Jose Thomas, Chairman of Choice Trading Corporation and Z.B Industries in California, Madhu has honed his skills in strategic planning and purchasing, enabling him to navigate the complexities of the seafood export market adeptly. His ability to analyze market trends and consumer preferences has not only driven sales growth but has also fostered innovation in product development and marketing strategies. As Seafood Universe continues to expand its footprint in the industry, Madhu B Menon's leadership and insights remain pivotal in steering the company toward sustained success and excellence in seafood processing and export.

Madhu B .Menon Work
1 experience icon

Director at SEAFOOD UNIVERSE( OCEAN BLUE PVT.LTD) in January 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

Director at Director of Sea food universe in January 2014 to Present

3 experience icon

Shrimps Processing Factory Manager at Sai Marine in April 2004 to April 2009

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Madhu B .Menon Education

Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation - University, Master of Retail Management, January 1990 to January 1992

University of Calicut, Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.), January 1988 to January 1990

Madhu B .Menon Skills




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Frequently Asked Questions about Madhu B .Menon

What is Madhu B Menon email address?

Email Madhu B Menon at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Madhu B Menon's email found in 2025.

What is Madhu B Menon phone number?

Madhu B Menon phone number is +91 8086149404.

How to contact Madhu B Menon?

To contact Madhu B Menon send an email at [email protected] you want to call Madhu B Menon try calling on +91 8086149404.

What company does Madhu B .Menon work for?


What is Madhu B .Menon's role at SEAFOOD UNIVERSE( OCEAN BLUE PVT.LTD)?

Madhu B .Menon is Director

What industry does Madhu B .Menon work in?

Madhu B .Menon works in the Fishery industry.

Madhu B .Menon Email Addresses

Madhu B .Menon Phone Numbers

Madhu B Menon phone number is +91 8086149404.
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