John Matthews Email & Phone Number

John Matthews

President & CEO at Gray Cat Enterprises, Inc. | Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

John Matthews Socials
About John Matthews

As the President and CEO of Gray Cat Enterprises, Inc., John Matthews is at the forefront of retail consulting, leveraging his extensive expertise to drive transformative strategies for multi-unit operations. With a robust background in consumer marketing and strategic project management, John has successfully guided numerous companies through the complexities of launching products in the retail sector. His leadership is characterized by a hands-on approach, exemplified by his concurrent role as Interim Executive Manager for six divisions at Deluxe Corporation, where he has implemented innovative solutions that enhance operational efficiency and profitability.

Under John's stewardship, Gray Cat Enterprises has become a trusted partner for businesses seeking to navigate the intricacies of franchising and multi-departmental project management. His ability to craft compelling Offering Memorandums and serve as lead negotiator has positioned the firm as a key player in strategic management consulting. John’s proficiency in budgeting and profit & loss management ensures that clients not only meet their financial goals but also achieve sustainable growth.

With a keen focus on business planning and start-ups, John Matthews is dedicated to empowering organizations to thrive in a competitive landscape. His commitment to excellence and strategic foresight has made him a sought-after consultant, respected for his ability to translate complex challenges into actionable solutions. As he continues to lead Gray Cat Enterprises, John remains passionate about fostering innovation and driving success for his clients in the ever-evolving retail market.

John Matthews Work
1 experience icon

President & CEO at Gray Cat Enterprises, Inc. in January 2004 to Present

2 experience icon

President at Jimmy Johns in January 2003 to January 2004

3 experience icon

President at Jimmy John's in January 2003 to January 2004

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John Matthews Skills


Strategic Planning

Marketing Management

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About John Matthews's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about John Matthews

What is John Matthews email address?

Email John Matthews at [email protected]. This email is the most updated John Matthews's email found in 2025.

What is John Matthews phone number?

John Matthews phone number is 847-502-6554.

How to contact John Matthews?

To contact John Matthews send an email at [email protected] you want to call John Matthews try calling on 847-502-6554.

What company does John Matthews work for?

John Matthews works for Gray Cat Enterprises, Inc.

What is John Matthews's role at Gray Cat Enterprises, Inc.?

John Matthews is President & CEO

What industry does John Matthews work in?

John Matthews works in the Management Consulting industry.

John Matthews Email Addresses

Email John Matthews at [email protected]. This email is the most updated John Matthews's email found in 2025.

John Matthews Phone Numbers

John Matthews phone number is 847-502-6554.
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