Claudia Ruvalcaba Email & Phone Number

Claudia Ruvalcaba

Customer Insights & Analytics Sr. Manager at Oportun | Austin, Texas, United States

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About Claudia Ruvalcaba

Claudia Carrera Ruvalcaba serves as the Customer Insights & Analytics Senior Manager at Oportun, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping the strategic direction of the company’s Personal Loan Product. With over a decade of experience in data science, Claudia combines her expertise in statistical modeling and big data analysis to drive informed decision-making and optimize business outcomes. Her work focuses on providing quantitative support and market understanding, enabling Oportun to better serve its customers and fulfill its mission of making financial services accessible to underserved communities.

In her current role, Claudia defines critical research needs that inform key business initiatives, particularly in customer segmentation and profiling. By leveraging A/B testing methodologies and advanced statistical techniques, she uncovers compelling insights that refine the understanding of customer behaviors and preferences. This not only aids in enhancing product development but also ensures that Oportun's offerings align with the evolving needs of returning customers. Her ability to extract actionable insights from complex datasets is instrumental in driving business strategy and fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making within the organization.

Claudia’s collaborative approach and strong teamwork skills enable her to work effectively across departments, ensuring that insights are integrated into broader business strategies. As a passionate advocate for using data to empower financial inclusivity, she is committed to enhancing the customer experience and contributing to Oportun’s mission of providing fair and transparent financial solutions. Through her leadership in analytics, Claudia is not just shaping the future of Oportun’s products but also making a meaningful impact on the lives of the customers they serve.

Claudia Ruvalcaba Work
1 experience icon

Customer Insights & Analytics Sr. Manager at Oportun in June 2021 to Present

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Risk Data Scientist at BBVA Compass in May 2018 to Present

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Risk Data Scientist at BBVA in the USA in May 2018 to June 2021

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Claudia Ruvalcaba Education

Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Master Degree in Data Science, January 2014 to January 2016

Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México / ITAM, Bachelor of Applied Mathematics, January 2007 to January 2012

About Claudia Ruvalcaba's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Claudia Ruvalcaba

What is Claudia Carrera Ruvalcaba email address?

Email Claudia Carrera Ruvalcaba at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Claudia Carrera Ruvalcaba's email found in 2024.

How to contact Claudia Carrera Ruvalcaba?

To contact Claudia Carrera Ruvalcaba send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Claudia Ruvalcaba work for?

Claudia Ruvalcaba works for Oportun

What is Claudia Ruvalcaba's role at Oportun?

Claudia Ruvalcaba is Customer Insights & Analytics Sr. Manager

What is Claudia Ruvalcaba's Phone Number?

Claudia Ruvalcaba's phone (214) ***-*128

What industry does Claudia Ruvalcaba work in?

Claudia Ruvalcaba works in the Banking industry.

Claudia Ruvalcaba Email Addresses

Claudia Ruvalcaba Phone Numbers

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