Idara Victor Email & Phone Number

Idara Victor

Turn - Role of 'Abigail' at AMC Networks | West Hollywood, California, United States

Idara Victor Socials
About Idara Victor

Idara Victor is a multifaceted talent in the entertainment industry, currently captivating audiences with her recurring role as Abigail in AMC Networks' critically acclaimed series "Turn: Washington's Spies." In this historical drama, Idara showcases her remarkable range as an actress, sharing the screen with notable talents like Jamie Bell, JJ Feild, and Heather Lind. Her portrayal of Abigail not only highlights her exceptional acting skills but also her ability to navigate complex character dynamics within a richly woven narrative set during the American Revolutionary War.

With a robust background in theater, Idara has graced some of New York's most prestigious stages, including Lincoln Center, The Public Theater, and the Roundabout Theatre Company. This extensive theatrical experience has honed her skills in drama and stage combat, allowing her to bring a unique physicality and emotional depth to her roles. Her expertise in dialects further enhances her performances, enabling her to authentically embody characters from diverse backgrounds and eras.

In addition to her work in television and theater, Idara's talents extend to singing and dancing, making her a versatile performer in the entertainment landscape. Her involvement in key projects at AMC Networks not only underscores her dedication to her craft but also positions her as a rising star in the industry. As she continues to explore new creative avenues, Idara Victor remains committed to delivering powerful performances that resonate with audiences, solidifying her reputation as a dynamic force in film and television.

Idara Victor Work
1 experience icon

Turn - Role of 'Abigail' at AMC Networks in December 2013 to Present

2 experience icon

The Choir - Role of 'Miriam' at Alright TV in May 2013 to July 2013

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Grey's Anatomy - Role of 'Amelie Ward' at ABC Television in April 2013 to April 2013

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Idara Victor Education

University of Pennsylvania, BS, Entrepreneurial Management and Marketing

Idara Victor Skills

Singer - Soprano

Classically-trained Pianist


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About Idara Victor's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Idara Victor

What is Idara Victor email address?

Email Idara Victor at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Idara Victor's email found in 2025.

What is Idara Victor phone number?

Idara Victor phone number is +1.6316646259.

How to contact Idara Victor?

To contact Idara Victor send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Idara Victor try calling on +1.6316646259.

What company does Idara Victor work for?

Idara Victor works for AMC Networks

What is Idara Victor's role at AMC Networks?

Idara Victor is Turn - Role of 'Abigail'

What industry does Idara Victor work in?

Idara Victor works in the Entertainment industry.

Idara Victor Email Addresses

Email Idara Victor at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Idara Victor's email found in 2025.

Idara Victor Phone Numbers

Idara Victor phone number is +1.6316646259.
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