Bret Louden Email & Phone Number

Bret Louden

Business Banking Portfolio Manager at United Bank | Lincolnton, North Carolina, United States

Bret Louden Socials
About Bret Louden

Bret Louden currently serves as the Business Banking Portfolio Manager at United Bank, where he leverages his extensive expertise in financial analysis and customer relationship management to drive growth and profitability within the bank's commercial lending division. In this pivotal role, Bret is responsible for analyzing applicants' financial statuses, conducting credit evaluations, and assessing property values to identify potential portfolio risks. His keen analytical skills enable him to facilitate the approval of loans while ensuring that the bank's lending practices align with its overall risk management strategies.

Bret's commitment to excellence is evident in his management of the full cycle of loan requests, where he provides comprehensive financial and market analysis. He meticulously prepares term sheets and writes compelling proposals that not only meet the needs of clients but also expand United Bank's lending business. His ability to maintain thorough documentation and foster strong relationships with clients is instrumental in achieving the bank's financial objectives.

In addition to his technical skills in credit analysis and banking, Bret excels in customer service and new business development, making him a valuable asset to United Bank. His leadership qualities and marketing acumen further enhance his capability to identify and capitalize on new opportunities within the business banking sector. As Bret continues to navigate the complexities of the financial landscape, he remains dedicated to aligning his efforts with United Bank's corporate goals, ensuring sustainable growth and success for both the bank and its clients.

Bret Louden Work
1 experience icon

Business Banking Portfolio Manager at United Bank in August 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

National Sales Representative at Paxton Packing - Big Frontier Meat Jerky & Pet Treat Products in January 2019 to Present

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Business Development Manager at National Senior Direct (Field Marketing Organization - Insurance) in January 2017 to August 2020

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Bret Louden Education

West Virginia University, Bachelor of Science, Finance & Business Administration, January 2000 to January 2004

West Virginia University, Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc)

Bret Louden Skills

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Word

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About Bret Louden's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Bret Louden

What is Bret Louden email address?

Email Bret Louden at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bret Louden's email found in 2025.

How to contact Bret Louden?

To contact Bret Louden send an email at [email protected].

What company does Bret Louden work for?

Bret Louden works for United Bank

What is Bret Louden's role at United Bank?

Bret Louden is Business Banking Portfolio Manager

What is Bret Louden's Phone Number?

Bret Louden's phone (704) ***-*170

What industry does Bret Louden work in?

Bret Louden works in the Insurance industry.

Bret Louden Email Addresses

Email Bret Louden at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bret Louden's email found in 2025.

Bret Louden Phone Numbers

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