Brady Mccarthy Email & Phone Number

Brady Mccarthy

Director, Partner Solutions at Fanatics, Inc. | Greater Chicago Area

Brady Mccarthy Socials
About Brady Mccarthy

Brady McCarthy currently serves as the Director of Partner Solutions at Fanatics, Inc., where he leverages over two decades of extensive experience in advertising, sponsorship, and strategic partnership sales to drive the growth of the company’s advertising business. In this pivotal role, Brady is responsible for developing innovative strategies that connect brands with Fanatics' passionate audience of sports fans, ensuring that partnerships are not only profitable but also resonate with consumers on a deeper level. His expertise in digital marketing and integrated marketing allows him to craft compelling campaigns that harness the power of online advertising, social media marketing, and search engine marketing (SEM) to maximize brand visibility and engagement.

Brady's background in media buying and outdoor advertising complements his strategic approach, enabling him to identify and capitalize on emerging trends within the sports retail landscape. He is adept at building and nurturing relationships with clients, which has been instrumental in forging new business opportunities and expanding existing partnerships. Notably, his experience with comScore analytics empowers him to provide data-driven insights that enhance campaign performance and ROI for partners.

Key projects under Brady's leadership include the development of targeted advertising initiatives that align with major sporting events, leveraging Fanatics' extensive inventory of officially licensed sports apparel. By understanding the unique motivations of sports fans, Brady is able to create tailored solutions that not only meet the needs of brands but also enrich the fan experience. His commitment to fostering strategic partnerships positions Fanatics, Inc. as a leader in the sports retail industry, driving both revenue growth and brand loyalty.

Brady Mccarthy Work
1 experience icon

Director, Partner Solutions at Fanatics, Inc. in May 2016 to Present

2 experience icon

VP of Sales at Fanatics, Inc. in October 2021 to Present

3 experience icon

Senior Director at Fanatics, Inc. in December 2018 to October 2021

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Brady Mccarthy Skills


Digital Marketing

Digital Media

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About Brady Mccarthy's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Brady Mccarthy

What is Brady Mccarthy email address?

Email Brady Mccarthy at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Brady Mccarthy's email found in 2025.

What is Brady Mccarthy phone number?

Brady Mccarthy phone number is 630 841 3305.

How to contact Brady Mccarthy?

To contact Brady Mccarthy send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Brady Mccarthy try calling on 630 841 3305.

What company does Brady Mccarthy work for?

Brady Mccarthy works for Fanatics, Inc.

What is Brady Mccarthy's role at Fanatics, Inc.?

Brady Mccarthy is Director, Partner Solutions

What industry does Brady Mccarthy work in?

Brady Mccarthy works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.

Brady Mccarthy Email Addresses

Email Brady Mccarthy at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Brady Mccarthy's email found in 2025.

Brady Mccarthy Phone Numbers

Brady Mccarthy phone number is 630 841 3305.
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