Alexandria Andersen Email & Phone Number

Alexandria Andersen

Founder at Babes Golf | San Diego, California, United States

Alexandria Andersen Socials
About Alexandria Andersen

As the Founder of Babes Golf, Alexandria Andersen is at the forefront of a transformative movement within the women's golf community. With a deep-rooted passion for empowering women to embrace the game, Alexandria has cultivated a vibrant platform that not only introduces new golfers to the sport but also fosters a supportive and inclusive environment. Under her leadership, Babes Golf has become a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to breaking down barriers and making golf accessible and enjoyable for women of all skill levels.

Alexandria's expertise in event planning and marketing shines through in the innovative programs and beginner-friendly events that Babes Golf offers. From engaging clinics to fun social gatherings on the course, she ensures that every experience is designed to inspire confidence and camaraderie among participants. Her skills in business development and marketing have been instrumental in expanding the reach of Babes Golf, allowing the organization to connect with a diverse audience and build a strong community of female golfers.

In addition to her role at Babes Golf, Alexandria is an active member of the Southern California Golf Association (SCGA) and the Arizona Golf Association (AGA), where she continually seeks opportunities to advocate for women's participation in golf. Her commitment to giving back is reflected in Babes Golf's initiatives, which often include charitable components, ensuring that the organization not only promotes the sport but also contributes positively to the community. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for photography, Alexandria captures the essence of each event, further enhancing the visibility and appeal of women's golf. Through her unwavering dedication, Alexandria Andersen is not just building a club; she is nurturing a movement that celebrates and elevates women in golf.

Alexandria Andersen Work
1 experience icon

Sales And Marketing Representative at SERVPRO in November 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Founder at Babes Golf in August 2017 to Present

3 experience icon

Patient Relationship Liaison at Alexus Surgery Center & Medspa

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Alexandria Andersen Education

San Diego State University-California State University, Bachelor’s Degree, January 2012 to January 2015

Nikon School, Lighting & Flash Photography

Gavilan College, Associate’s Degree, January 2010 to January 2012

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Alexandria Andersen Skills

Project Management

Customer Service

Operations Management

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alexandria Andersen

What is Alexandria Andersen email address?

Email Alexandria Andersen at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Alexandria Andersen's email found in 2025.

What is Alexandria Andersen phone number?

Alexandria Andersen phone number is +1.6192269946.

How to contact Alexandria Andersen?

To contact Alexandria Andersen send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Alexandria Andersen try calling on +1.6192269946.

What company does Alexandria Andersen work for?

Alexandria Andersen works for Babes Golf

What is Alexandria Andersen's role at Babes Golf?

Alexandria Andersen is Founder

What industry does Alexandria Andersen work in?

Alexandria Andersen works in the Retail industry.

Alexandria Andersen Email Addresses

Email Alexandria Andersen at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Alexandria Andersen's email found in 2025.

Alexandria Andersen Phone Numbers

Alexandria Andersen phone number is +1.6192269946.
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