Xavier Smith Email & Phone Number

Xavier Smith

Undergraduate Research Assistant at Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Xavier Smith Socials
About Xavier Smith

Xavier Smith is currently an Undergraduate Research Assistant at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he is deeply engaged in pioneering research at the intersection of electrical engineering and neuroscience. His focus lies in the development and synthesis of advanced nanomagnetic materials, which are critical for non-invasive neural imaging, recording, and stimulation. This innovative work aims to create therapeutic technologies that can significantly improve the quality of life for patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders. By employing his expertise in electromagnetic simulation and colloidal synthesis, Xavier is actively contributing to the advancement of magnetic nanoparticles that can be utilized in cutting-edge magnetic imaging and stimulation systems.

In his role, Xavier is not only involved in the technical aspects of research but also plays a vital part in the advocacy for underrepresented individuals in the STEM community. He is committed to fostering an inclusive environment that encourages diversity and representation, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued in scientific discourse. His skills in signal processing and statistical data analysis complement his research efforts, allowing him to effectively analyze complex datasets and derive meaningful insights from experimental results. Additionally, his proficiency in cell culture techniques enables him to work with in-vitro neuronal cell cultures, facilitating the elicitation and modulation of neuronal responses through innovative magnetic stimulation approaches.

As Xavier continues to refine his skills in rapid prototyping and BOM management, he is poised to make significant contributions to the field of biomedical engineering, particularly in the development of non-invasive technologies that hold the potential to revolutionize treatment methodologies for neurological conditions. His dedication to both scientific advancement and community representation underscores his commitment to making a lasting impact in the field of electrical engineering and neuroscience.

Xavier Smith Work
1 experience icon

Intern at United States Department of Defense in September 2018 to Present

2 experience icon

Lead Undergraduate Research Assistant at University of Maryland Baltimore County in August 2021 to Present

3 experience icon

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant at University of Maryland Baltimore County in August 2021 to December 2021

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Xavier Smith Education

University of Maryland Baltimore County, Bachelor of Science - BS, January 2019 to January 2023

University of Maryland, Fire Protection, January 2017

About Xavier Smith's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Xavier Smith

What is Xavier Smith email address?

Email Xavier Smith at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Xavier Smith's email found in 2024.

How to contact Xavier Smith?

To contact Xavier Smith send an email at [email protected].

What company does Xavier Smith work for?

Xavier Smith works for Massachusetts Institute of Technology

What is Xavier Smith's role at Massachusetts Institute of Technology?

Xavier Smith is Undergraduate Research Assistant

What is Xavier Smith's Phone Number?

Xavier Smith's phone (413) ***-*255

Xavier Smith Email Addresses

Email Xavier Smith at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Xavier Smith's email found in 2024.

Xavier Smith Phone Numbers

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