Sabrina Johnson Email & Phone Number

Sabrina Johnson

President and CEO at Daré Bioscience, Inc. | San Diego, California, United States

Sabrina Johnson Socials
About Sabrina Johnson

Sabrina Johnson, as the President and CEO of Daré Bioscience, Inc., has been a pivotal force in reshaping the landscape of women’s reproductive health. With a profound commitment to improving the lives of women, she founded Daré in 2015, recognizing the urgent need for increased attention, investment, and innovation in this critical therapeutic area. Under her leadership, Daré has emerged as a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to advancing a diverse portfolio of novel therapies that address unmet medical needs in women’s health.

Sabrina's extensive expertise in biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry has been instrumental in driving key projects at Daré. Her strategic vision has led to the development of groundbreaking products aimed at enhancing treatment options and improving health outcomes for women. Notably, her focus on medical diagnostics and innovative therapies has positioned Daré at the forefront of the industry, fostering strategic partnerships that enhance the company’s capabilities and reach.

In addition to her operational acumen, Sabrina’s background in investor relations and sales management has been crucial in securing funding and support for Daré’s ambitious projects. Her leadership style emphasizes collaboration and transparency, ensuring that the company not only meets its goals but also aligns with the broader mission of advocating for women's health. As Daré continues to expand its portfolio and explore new avenues for innovation, Sabrina Johnson remains a passionate advocate for women, driving the company toward a future where women's health is prioritized and celebrated.

Sabrina Johnson Work
1 experience icon

President and CEO at Daré Bioscience, Inc. in May 2015 to Present

2 experience icon

CFO/CAO at Calibr - California Institute for Biomedical Research in May 2015 to July 2017

3 experience icon

President at WomanCare Global Trading in October 2014 to May 2015

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Sabrina Johnson Skills


Pharmaceutical Industry

Medical Diagnostics

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About Sabrina Johnson's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Sabrina Johnson

What is Sabrina Johnson email address?

Email Sabrina Johnson at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sabrina Johnson's email found in 2025.

What is Sabrina Johnson phone number?

Sabrina Johnson phone number is +1.8584528616 and +1.8585501901148.

How to contact Sabrina Johnson?

To contact Sabrina Johnson send an email at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Sabrina Johnson try calling on +1.8584528616 and +1.8585501901148.

What company does Sabrina Johnson work for?

Sabrina Johnson works for Daré Bioscience, Inc.

What is Sabrina Johnson's role at Daré Bioscience, Inc.?

Sabrina Johnson is President and CEO

What industry does Sabrina Johnson work in?

Sabrina Johnson works in the Biotechnology industry.

Sabrina Johnson Email Addresses

Email Sabrina Johnson at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sabrina Johnson's email found in 2025.

Sabrina Johnson Phone Numbers

Sabrina Johnson phone number is +1.8584528616 and +1.8585501901148.
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