Daniel Boucher Email & Phone Number

Daniel Boucher

Director of Global Solar Water Farm Expansion at GivePower | United States

Daniel Boucher Socials
About Daniel Boucher

Daniel Boucher is a dynamic leader in the renewable energy sector, currently serving as the Director of Global Solar Water Farm Expansion at GivePower. With a strong commitment to building impactful businesses in Africa, Daniel is at the forefront of innovative solutions that address critical water scarcity issues in vulnerable communities. His role involves overseeing the pipeline and strategic expansion of GivePower’s Solar Water Farm program, which leverages cutting-edge solar technology to provide affordable, reliable, and climate-resilient drinking water.

Under Daniel's leadership, the program has not only enhanced access to clean water but has also empowered local economies by creating sustainable jobs and fostering community engagement. His expertise in ecological economics allows him to navigate the complex interplay between environmental sustainability and economic viability, ensuring that projects are both impactful and financially sound. Daniel's proficiency in public speaking and proposal writing has been instrumental in securing partnerships and funding, enabling the scaling of initiatives across diverse markets.

With a robust skill set that includes team leadership, sales, and advanced data analysis using tools like Microsoft Excel and SPSS, Daniel effectively drives project outcomes while fostering a collaborative team environment. His passion for renewable energy and commitment to social impact make him a pivotal figure in the global effort to combat water scarcity, positioning GivePower as a leader in sustainable development. Through his work, Daniel continues to inspire others to embrace innovative solutions that can transform lives and communities across Africa and beyond.

Daniel Boucher Work
1 experience icon

Director of Global Solar Water Farm Expansion at GivePower in July 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Global Solar Water Farm Program Manager at GivePower in December 2020 to July 2022

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Country Manager, Kenya at GivePower in October 2019 to November 2020

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Daniel Boucher Education

Hampshire College in January 2010 to January 2012

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien in January 2014 to January 2015

Daniel Boucher Skills

Ecological Economics

Socio-Ecological Change

Social Entrepreneurship

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About Daniel Boucher's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Daniel Boucher

What is Daniel Boucher email address?

Email Daniel Boucher at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Daniel Boucher's email found in 2024.

What is Daniel Boucher phone number?

Daniel Boucher phone number is (916) 342-5485.

How to contact Daniel Boucher?

To contact Daniel Boucher send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Daniel Boucher try calling on (916) 342-5485.

What company does Daniel Boucher work for?

Daniel Boucher works for GivePower

What is Daniel Boucher's role at GivePower?

Daniel Boucher is Director of Global Solar Water Farm Expansion

What industry does Daniel Boucher work in?

Daniel Boucher works in the Renewables & Environment industry.

Daniel Boucher Email Addresses

Email Daniel Boucher at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Daniel Boucher's email found in 2024.

Daniel Boucher Phone Numbers

Daniel Boucher phone number is (916) 342-5485.
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