Craig Nelson Email & Phone Number

Craig Nelson

Funeral Director/Celebrant at Beck's Funeral Home | Edmonds, Washington, United States

Craig Nelson Socials
About Craig Nelson

Craig Nelson is a dedicated Funeral Director and Celebrant at Beck's Funeral Home, where he plays a pivotal role in guiding families through the intricate process of honoring their loved ones. With a profound understanding of the death care industry, Craig specializes in arranging personalized Life Celebrations that reflect the unique stories and legacies of those who have passed. His expertise extends beyond traditional funeral services; he is also a skilled wedding celebrant, bringing joy and warmth to couples as they embark on their new journeys together.

At Beck's Funeral Home, Craig is involved in key projects that emphasize the importance of community engagement and support during times of grief. He actively collaborates with families to create meaningful tributes, ensuring that each service is tailored to the individual’s life and values. His proficiency in event management and team building allows him to coordinate seamless ceremonies, while his skills in social media and digital tools help promote these events and connect with the community.

In addition to his professional responsibilities, Craig is passionate about teaching and mentoring. His experience coaching the javelin at Jackson High School has honed his ability to inspire and lead, qualities that he brings to his role in the funeral home. Outside of work, Craig enjoys hiking and skiing, often finding solace in nature, which he believes is a vital part of the healing process for those grieving. With a diverse skill set that includes embalming, inventory management, and graphic design using Photoshop, Craig Nelson is not only a compassionate caregiver but also a versatile professional committed to enhancing the death care experience for families in their time of need.

Craig Nelson Work
1 experience icon

Funeral Director/Celebrant at Beck's Funeral Home in November 1991 to Present

2 experience icon

FUNERAL DIRECTOR at Virgil t. Golden's Funeral Service in January 1989 to January 1991

Craig Nelson Education

Oregon State University, Religous Studies/Liberal Arts, February 1982 to February 1987

Oregon State University, Sprague High School, Major in Reliqous Studies,, February 1982 to February 1987

Craig Nelson Skills

Customer Service

Microsoft Office

Strategic Planning

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Frequently Asked Questions about Craig Nelson

What company does Craig Nelson work for?

Craig Nelson works for Beck's Funeral Home

What is Craig Nelson's role at Beck's Funeral Home?

Craig Nelson is Funeral Director/Celebrant

What is Craig Nelson's personal email address?

Craig Nelson's personal email address is cr****[email protected]

What is Craig Nelson's business email address?

Craig Nelson's business email address is c****[email protected]

What is Craig Nelson's Phone Number?

Craig Nelson's phone (206) ***-*400

Craig Nelson Email Addresses

Craig Nelson Phone Numbers

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