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11-50 employees View all link out icon
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Information Technology & Services
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Hanoi, VN
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Started since 2007, VNLIFE is a diverse ecosystem comprising of leading companies driving transformations in both traditional and growing demand sectors in the economy such as tourism, logistics, commerce, and constantly expanding its presence beyond Viet Nam to Singapore, Myanmar and Cambodia. Fin-tech VNPAY is the current forerunner of VNLIFE's subsidiaries. VNPAY is the leading Vietnamese digital payment firm, and also the pioneer of offering QR code payment in the country. VNPAY currently provides electronic payment services to more than 40 banks, 5 telecommunications companies and 20,000 businesses. VNPAY ecosystem itself has a wide portfolio of systems and services ranging from banking services (QR-Code payment gateway which connecting business units to the bank), financial services (VnMart e-wallet, VnPayBill bill payment, VnTopup phone credit recharge), to e-commerce websites (Vban.vn) and flight booking service (VnTicket) VNLIFE's mission statement is to become the enabler to startups in terms of technical expertise, business guidance, building networks and capital so to provide these startups unprecedented opportunity not only to grow their products & services in the domestic market but also to compete in the global arena. With the strong backing from seasoned and world-class investors (GIC and Softbank Vision Fund), VNLIFE is confident in equipping its startups to soar and reach greater height.

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Information Technology & Services
Information Technology & Services
information technology & services
information technology & services
information technology & services
information technology & services
Information Technology & Services

Frequently Asked Questions about VNLIFE

Who is the CEO of VNLIFE?

Niraan De Silva is the CEO of VNLIFE. To contact Niraan De Silva email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Or you may call +65.90055325

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