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St Pancras Hotels Group Limited Email Format

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About St Pancras Hotels Group Limited

11-50 employees View all
133 Chase Side,London,GB
St Pancras Hotels Group Limited is a hospitality company based in King's Cross/St Pancras. Whilst we are a group of eclectic brands, each brand has its very own personality, in the same way as our people are unique. The excellence we strive for is born out of habits, and then repeated and improved. We are not a chain, we do not conform to normality. We break rules and are proud to be at the forefront of honest, genuine hospitality.We do get things wrong at times, but we recover every single one and outperform on expectations when it does happen.

Frequently Asked Questions about St Pancras Hotels Group Limited

What is St Pancras Hotels Group Limited email format?

The widely used St Pancras Hotels Group Limited email format is {f}{last} (e.g. [email protected]) with 75.00% adoption across the company.

What is St Pancras Hotels Group Limited customer service number?

To contact St Pancras Hotels Group Limited customer service number in your country click here to find.

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