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About National Engineering Industries Ltd. (NBC Bearings)

1,001-5,000 employees View all
Khatipura Road,Jaipur,Rajashtan,IN
National Engineering Industries Ltd. manufactures a wide range of bearings for automotive, industrial, railways and for general applications under the brand name NBC. NEI was founded in the year 1946 as a pioneer industry in the field of bearing manufacture. it currently manufactures nearly 100 million bearings per annum in over 1000 different sizes ranging from 6 mm bore to 1300 mm outer diameter and having capability to manufacture bearing upto 2000 mm diameter. NEI is one India's largest domestic bearings manufacturer with gross annual turnover of Rs. 1352.2 crore in 2013-14. The company exports bearings to more than 27 countries and is also exporting to OEMs in Europe and USA. NEI has grown at a CAGR of 17% since 2008-09. National Engineering Industries Ltd. is a part of the CK Birla Group which is a $1.6 Billion conglomerate with presence in Cement, Consumer Electricals, Precision Bearings, Heavy Engineering Products, Paper, Building Products, Automobiles, Auto Components, Healthcare, Education & ITES. For more info visit:

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Frequently Asked Questions about National Engineering Industries Ltd. (NBC Bearings)

What is National Engineering Industries Ltd. (NBC Bearings) email format?

The widely used National Engineering Industries Ltd. (NBC Bearings) email format is {first}.{last} (e.g. [email protected]) with 33.33% adoption across the company.

What is National Engineering Industries Ltd. (NBC Bearings) customer service number?

To contact National Engineering Industries Ltd. (NBC Bearings) customer service number in your country click here to find.

Who is the CEO of National Engineering Industries Ltd. (NBC Bearings)?

Prem Gupta is the CEO of National Engineering Industries Ltd. (NBC Bearings). To contact Prem Gupta email at [email protected].

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