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51-200 employees View all link out icon
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Huancheng Bei Road,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,CN
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Soyang group is a leading manufacturer and supplier of technical textiles for digital printing and industrial applications. With decade years of experience in supplying top-quality textile products to a worldwide market, we have been at the forefront of providing textile&fabric solutions to the digital printing industry and have committed ourselves to the GREEN future of textile printing. It is a mission of Soyang to keep our value proposition high while maintaining excellent quality and service to our customers. Soyang group, was founded in 2002 and now covers one headquarters, one R&D center, two factories and also two sales centers. We have worked hard to not only be a leader in our industry but also to develop a corporate culture that emphasizes progress, personal growth and a fun, rewarding atmosphere at work. Stable, Productive, Versatility and Healthier, we stand behind our products and take pride in supporting with a quick response within 12 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions about SOYANG

Who is the CEO of SOYANG?

Li Li is the CEO of SOYANG. To contact Li Li email at [email protected].

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