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11-50 employees View all link out icon
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Logistics & Supply Chain
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Str. St. Kiril & Metodiy no. 50, 6th floor, Skopje, Center 1000, MK
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Navico shipping is one of the first private and largest forwarding companies in Macedonia which was found as a family company in 1996 with aim to continuously grow and expand its services and to grow by becoming today as one the largest container shipping companies in the South- East Balkan region. To explain what we really stand for and to truly realize what our company’s goals lie upon is to help customers grow their businesses, whether that is venturing into new territories, exploring new business opportunities, or growing in already developed markets. We pledge to provide the best service at the most competitive rates, backed up by our experienced and best-in-class personnel with excellent relation & business skills. Navico Shipping has developed strong partnership with some of the world’s best-known brands and also serving some of the Top Fortune Global 500 list companies. Throughout the years, we have helped defining global trade to a plethora of customers, by setting new benchmarks in service and excellence in every market served.

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