
🔗 Wavefront

Day 0

**Subject** Wavefront – metrics monitoring


Hi {!first_name},

I know we have not met, so please excuse my interruption in your day. My single goal is to share a quick intro to Wavefront to see if we can help your team in any way.

At Wavefront we are combining real-time math and metrics to help our clients maintain site reliability and performance while maintaining engineering velocity.

Our customers like Intuit, Lyft, Workday, and Groupon now act more quickly/efficiently as a “first responder” by leveraging Wavefront, and in most cases, enriching/complimenting the use of AppD, New Relic, Graphite, and Splunk.

Quick, 2 Min. Demo from Dev Nag, Co-Founder and CTO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9io1mUxxLTk#action=share

Are you open to having a brief 10-minute call with me sometime this week?

Kind regards,

John Doe Wavefront, Inc.

We 💙 metrics


source: goodsalesemails.com


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