Amanda Reddington Email & Phone Number

Amanda Reddington

Business Development Consultant at JumpCrew | Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Amanda Reddington Socials
About Amanda Reddington

Amanda Reddington is currently making significant strides as a Business Development Consultant at JumpCrew, where she focuses on acquiring and retaining customers for the innovative social networking platform, Nextdoor. With a rich tapestry of professional experience, Amanda has honed her skills in management, marketing, and customer engagement, making her a vital asset to her team. Her expertise in project management and process improvement allows her to streamline operations, ensuring that campaigns are not only effective but also efficient.

At JumpCrew, Amanda plays a crucial role in implementing Full Funnel sales and marketing strategies that drive customer awareness and conversion. She excels in crafting targeted email campaigns and conducting in-depth market research, which are essential for tracking revenue and generating leads. By leveraging her skills in deal closure and customer retention, Amanda ensures that clients receive tailored solutions that resonate with their target audience, ultimately enhancing their brand visibility and customer loyalty.

Amanda's proficiency in using web-based decision support applications empowers her to analyze data effectively, enabling her to make informed decisions that align with client objectives. Her leadership abilities shine through as she motivates her team to achieve ambitious goals while fostering a collaborative environment. With a strong foundation in performance management and a keen eye for talent, she also contributes to college recruiting initiatives, ensuring that JumpCrew attracts top-tier talent to support its growth.

In summary, Amanda Reddington is not just a Business Development Consultant; she is a strategic partner committed to driving success for JumpCrew and its clients through innovative marketing solutions and exceptional customer service.

Amanda Reddington Work
1 experience icon

Business Development Consultant at JumpCrew in August 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Project Manager at Trillium Construction Services in December 2020 to December 2021

3 experience icon

Inside Sales Representative at DEFENDERS in February 2019 to September 2020

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Amanda Reddington Education

Indiana University - Kelley School of Business, Bachelor's degree, January 2004 to January 2008

Center Grove High School

Amanda Reddington Skills

Presenting Proposals


Partner Relationship Management

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About Amanda Reddington's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Amanda Reddington

What is Amanda Reddington email address?

Email Amanda Reddington at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Amanda Reddington's email found in 2025.

What is Amanda Reddington phone number?

Amanda Reddington phone number is 317-442-8306 and 3173455705.

How to contact Amanda Reddington?

To contact Amanda Reddington send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Amanda Reddington try calling on 317-442-8306 and 3173455705. (updated on January 20, 2024)

What company does Amanda Reddington work for?

Amanda Reddington works for JumpCrew

What is Amanda Reddington's role at JumpCrew?

Amanda Reddington is Business Development Consultant

What industry does Amanda Reddington work in?

Amanda Reddington works in the Construction industry.

Amanda Reddington Email Addresses

Email Amanda Reddington at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Amanda Reddington's email found in 2025.

Amanda Reddington Phone Numbers

Amanda Reddington phone number is 317-442-8306 and 3173455705.
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