Wayne Miglore Email & Phone Number

Wayne Miglore

Senior Copywriter at Pivotal Home Solutions | Greater Chicago Area

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About Wayne Miglore

Wayne Miglore is a seasoned Senior Copywriter at Pivotal Home Solutions, where he leverages his extensive experience in creative strategy and corporate branding to drive customer engagement and growth across multiple service territories. With a passion for the creative process, Wayne excels in crafting compelling direct mail campaigns, including letters, postcards, and emails, that not only promote the company’s diverse range of products but also resonate with the target audience. His ability to blend creativity with strategic thinking allows him to develop persuasive messaging that effectively communicates the value of Pivotal Home Solutions’ offerings.

In addition to his expertise in direct mail, Wayne plays a pivotal role in scripting and storyboarding engaging videos that simplify complex concepts about the company and its products for potential customers. His knack for storytelling ensures that the videos are not only informative but also captivating, enhancing the overall customer experience. Furthermore, Wayne is instrumental in updating and writing phone scripts for call center agents, ensuring that they have the right tools to deliver consistent and effective communication with customers.

Wayne’s proficiency with industry-standard tools such as Adobe Creative Suite and QuarkXPress, combined with his skills in layout and design, enables him to create visually appealing materials that align with Pivotal Home Solutions’ branding. His commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in copywriting makes him an invaluable asset to the team, driving both customer acquisition and retention through innovative and impactful content.

Wayne Miglore Work
1 experience icon

Senior Copywriter at Pivotal Home Solutions in January 2015 to Present

Wayne Miglore Education

Penn State University, BA, Communications

Wayne Miglore Skills

Direct Mail



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About Wayne Miglore's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Wayne Miglore

What is Wayne Miglore email address?

Email Wayne Miglore at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Wayne Miglore's email found in 2025.

How to contact Wayne Miglore?

To contact Wayne Miglore send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Wayne Miglore work for?

Wayne Miglore works for Pivotal Home Solutions

What is Wayne Miglore's role at Pivotal Home Solutions?

Wayne Miglore is Senior Copywriter

What is Wayne Miglore's Phone Number?

Wayne Miglore's phone (**) *** *** 152

What industry does Wayne Miglore work in?

Wayne Miglore works in the Marketing and Advertising industry.

Wayne Miglore Email Addresses

Email Wayne Miglore at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Wayne Miglore's email found in 2025.

Wayne Miglore Phone Numbers

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