Vernon Spivey Email & Phone Number

Vernon Spivey

Assistant Store Sales Manager at Lowe's Home Improvement at Lowe's Companies, Inc. | Cartersville, Georgia, United States

Vernon Spivey Socials
About Vernon Spivey

Vernon Spivey is a seasoned professional with over 24 years of proven inspirational leadership in the retail sector, currently serving as the Assistant Store Sales Manager at Lowe's Companies, Inc. In this pivotal role, Vernon is instrumental in driving operational excellence and enhancing customer experiences within the store. His primary responsibilities include controlling and monitoring overall store expenses while ensuring that all corporate financial and merchandising standards are meticulously maintained and enforced.

Vernon’s expertise in customer relationship management is a cornerstone of his approach. He is dedicated to elevating customer service by mentoring and coaching the management team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement among staff. By developing his team’s skills, he enhances customer interactions, which directly contributes to increased sales and customer loyalty. His commitment to employee engagement and training empowers staff to take ownership of their roles, ultimately creating a more dynamic and responsive retail environment.

In addition to his leadership in customer service, Vernon excels in sales management and inventory management, ensuring that the store operates efficiently and effectively. His proficiency in payroll and credit analysis further supports the financial health of the store, allowing for strategic decision-making that aligns with corporate goals. Vernon’s ability to build cohesive teams and drive organizational leadership has positioned him as a key player in Lowe's success, making him an invaluable asset to the company and a trusted leader in the home improvement industry.

Vernon Spivey Work
1 experience icon

Assistant Store Sales Manager at Lowe's Home Improvement at Lowe's Companies, Inc. in January 1998 to Present

2 experience icon

SMTP at Lowe's Companies, Inc. in August 2017 to Present

Vernon Spivey Skills

Employee Engagement

Sales Management

Change Leadership

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About Vernon Spivey's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Vernon Spivey

What is Vernon Spivey email address?

Email Vernon Spivey at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Vernon Spivey's email found in 2025.

What is Vernon Spivey phone number?

Vernon Spivey phone number is 6787088432.

How to contact Vernon Spivey?

To contact Vernon Spivey send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Vernon Spivey try calling on 6787088432.

What company does Vernon Spivey work for?

Vernon Spivey works for Lowe's Companies, Inc.

What is Vernon Spivey's role at Lowe's Companies, Inc.?

Vernon Spivey is Assistant Store Sales Manager at Lowe's Home Improvement

What industry does Vernon Spivey work in?

Vernon Spivey works in the Retail industry.

Vernon Spivey Email Addresses

Email Vernon Spivey at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Vernon Spivey's email found in 2025.

Vernon Spivey Phone Numbers

Vernon Spivey phone number is 6787088432.
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