Todd Watson Email & Phone Number

Todd Watson

Vice President at Hunt Realty Investments, Inc. | Dallas, Texas, United States

Todd Watson Socials
About Todd Watson

Todd Watson serves as the Vice President at Hunt Realty Investments, Inc., bringing over a decade of extensive experience in real estate and land development to the firm. In his current role, Todd expertly manages a diverse portfolio of active planned communities and passive land holdings, which encompasses more than 15,000 acres of land and 8,000 planned residential lots. His strategic oversight includes multifamily, commercial, and industrial developments, with a keen focus on maximizing operational efficiency and financial performance. With an impressive track record of managing equity capital investments exceeding $200 million, Todd has been instrumental in driving the financial planning and analysis processes that underpin successful project execution.

Todd's expertise in entitlements, master-planning, and construction management allows him to navigate complex regulatory environments and ensure that projects align with both market demands and community needs. He excels in leading integrated teams, fostering collaboration across various disciplines to achieve operational and financial success while minimizing the operating run-rate. His proficiency in budgeting and forecasting, coupled with strong skills in financial modeling and due diligence, positions him as a valuable asset in the competitive landscape of real estate development.

Notably, Todd has successfully managed the disposition of multiple land assets, both wholly-owned and joint ventures, showcasing his adeptness in asset management and acquisitions. His comprehensive understanding of land use planning and golf course management further enhances his capability to deliver innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of communities. As a thought leader in the industry, Todd Watson continues to shape the future of real estate development at Hunt Realty Investments, Inc., driving projects that not only achieve financial success but also contribute positively to the built environment.

Todd Watson Work
1 experience icon

Vice President at Hunt Realty Investments, Inc. in March 2005 to Present

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Project Manager at Golf Services Group in January 2002 to January 2005

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Vice President at Eagle Golf in January 1997 to January 2002

Todd Watson Education

University of Iowa - Henry B. Tippie College of Business, Master of Business Administration (MBA), January 1996 to January 1998

Cornell College, Bachelor of Arts (BA), January 1989 to January 1993

Todd Watson Skills

Real Estate Development

Real Estate Economics


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Frequently Asked Questions about Todd Watson

What is Todd Watson email address?

Email Todd Watson at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Todd Watson's email found in 2025.

What is Todd Watson phone number?

Todd Watson phone number is 9728499695.

How to contact Todd Watson?

To contact Todd Watson send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Todd Watson try calling on 9728499695.

What company does Todd Watson work for?

Todd Watson works for Hunt Realty Investments, Inc.

What is Todd Watson's role at Hunt Realty Investments, Inc.?

Todd Watson is Vice President

What industry does Todd Watson work in?

Todd Watson works in the Real Estate industry.

Todd Watson Email Addresses

Email Todd Watson at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Todd Watson's email found in 2025.

Todd Watson Phone Numbers

Todd Watson phone number is 9728499695.
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