Terri Galvan Email & Phone Number

Terri Galvan

Talent Acquisition Specialist at Royal Farms | Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Terri Galvan Socials
About Terri Galvan

Terri Galvan is a seasoned Talent Acquisition Specialist at Royal Farms, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping the workforce of one of the leading convenience store chains in the food service industry. With a robust background in management and performance management, Terri excels in developing and executing innovative recruitment strategies that attract high-quality candidates. Her expertise lies not only in traditional recruiting methods but also in leveraging advanced sourcing channels to identify top talent, ensuring that Royal Farms remains competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

In her current role, Terri collaborates closely with various business partners to provide strategic consultation on recruitment, staffing forecasting, and talent planning. She is particularly committed to fostering diversity within the workforce, implementing comprehensive sourcing strategies that prioritize inclusivity and internal movement. Her ability to communicate effectively and build strong relationships has made her a trusted advisor in the organization, allowing her to align recruitment efforts with the company’s long-term goals.

Key projects under Terri’s leadership include the development of a streamlined interview process that enhances the candidate experience while ensuring that hiring managers have the tools they need to make informed decisions. Additionally, she has spearheaded initiatives focused on employee training and career development, recognizing that investing in talent not only improves retention rates but also drives overall organizational success. With her strong skills in corporate recruiting, employee relations, and leadership, Terri Galvan continues to make significant contributions to Royal Farms, positioning the company for sustained growth and excellence in service delivery.

Terri Galvan Work
1 experience icon

Talent Acquisition Specialist at Royal Farms in November 1998 to Present

Terri Galvan Education

Community College of Baltimore County, Human Resources Management and Services, January 2019

Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School, Business Education

Terri Galvan Skills



Time Management

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About Terri Galvan's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Terri Galvan

What is Terri Galvan email address?

Email Terri Galvan at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Terri Galvan's email found in 2025.

What is Terri Galvan phone number?

Terri Galvan phone number is 410-889-0200 ext. 326.

How to contact Terri Galvan?

To contact Terri Galvan send an email to [email protected]. If you want to call Terri Galvan try calling on 410-889-0200 ext. 326.

What company does Terri Galvan work for?

Terri Galvan works for Royal Farms

What is Terri Galvan's role at Royal Farms?

Terri Galvan is Talent Acquisition Specialist

What industry does Terri Galvan work in?

Terri Galvan works in the Restaurants industry.

Terri Galvan Email Addresses

Email Terri Galvan at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Terri Galvan's email found in 2025.

Terri Galvan Phone Numbers

Terri Galvan phone number is 410-889-0200 ext. 326.
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