Teresa Terry Email & Phone Number

Teresa Terry

Global Account Manager at Haworth | Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Teresa Terry Socials
About Teresa Terry

Teresa Terry serves as a Global Account Manager at Haworth, where she leverages her extensive experience in sales leadership and strategic account management to drive significant growth and foster enduring relationships with Fortune 500 clients. With a remarkable 24-year track record, Teresa has consistently demonstrated her ability to promote sophisticated furnishings and interior design solutions that meet the evolving needs of global enterprises. Her role is pivotal in leading both internal and external teams, where she has achieved an impressive 113% growth by implementing innovative strategies and processes that ensure profitable outcomes.

Teresa's expertise in consultative sales methods allows her to navigate complex stakeholder landscapes effectively, transforming potential challenges into opportunities for collaboration and success. She excels in building strong coaches and advocates within client organizations, ensuring that the solutions provided are not only aligned with their immediate needs but also contribute to their long-term objectives. Her deep understanding of space planning and sustainable design, underscored by her LEED AP accreditation, positions her as a trusted advisor in creating environments that enhance productivity and well-being.

In addition to her strategic acumen, Teresa is a passionate leader who believes in the power of coaching and mentorship. She is dedicated to developing talent within her teams, fostering a culture of excellence that drives business development and new opportunities. Her ability to connect with clients on a personal level, combined with her polished public speaking skills, makes her a formidable presence in the industry. As Teresa continues to expand her influence at Haworth, she remains committed to delivering exceptional value and innovative solutions that redefine workplace experiences.

Teresa Terry Work
1 experience icon

Global Account Manager at Haworth in January 2018 to Present

2 experience icon

Director of Sales at Arbee Associates in September 2016 to October 2017

3 experience icon

Sales at Herman Miller in January 2012 to January 2016

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Teresa Terry Education

The University of Akron, BA, January 1991 to January 1996

Teresa Terry Skills

Sales Management

Interior Design


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About Teresa Terry's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Teresa Terry

What is Teresa Terry email address?

Email Teresa Terry at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Teresa Terry's email found in 2025.

What is Teresa Terry phone number?

Teresa Terry phone number is 4104582623.

How to contact Teresa Terry?

To contact Teresa Terry send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Teresa Terry try calling on 4104582623.

What company does Teresa Terry work for?

Teresa Terry works for Haworth

What is Teresa Terry's role at Haworth?

Teresa Terry is Global Account Manager

What industry does Teresa Terry work in?

Teresa Terry works in the Furniture industry.

Teresa Terry Email Addresses

Email Teresa Terry at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Teresa Terry's email found in 2025.

Teresa Terry Phone Numbers

Teresa Terry phone number is 4104582623.
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