Stacy Fritts Email & Phone Number

Stacy Fritts

General Manager at AMC Theatres | Everett, Washington, United States

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About Stacy Fritts

Stacy Fritts is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of comprehensive experience in the dynamic landscape of AMC Theatres. As the General Manager, Stacy plays a pivotal role in driving operational excellence across multiple locations, ensuring that every aspect of the theatre experience exceeds guest expectations. Her expertise spans critical areas such as budget planning, financial returns, and inventory management, allowing her to strategically allocate resources while maximizing ROI.

Stacy's commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in her innovative approaches to enhancing guest experiences, which have been instrumental in elevating AMC's reputation as a leader in the entertainment industry. Her leadership style fosters a culture of positive employee relations, where team members feel valued and motivated. This is reflected in her successful recruitment and retention strategies, which focus on identifying and nurturing talent to build a high-performing operational team.

In 2016, Stacy was honored with the General Manager of the Year award, a testament to her exceptional ability to lead and inspire. She has also spearheaded several corporate initiatives aimed at improving operating tactics, demonstrating her dedication to continuous improvement and operational efficiencies. Through her professional communication skills, Stacy effectively collaborates with various corporate departments, ensuring alignment and synergy in achieving AMC's strategic goals. With a strong focus on leadership development, she is committed to mentoring the next generation of theatre operations professionals, solidifying her legacy in the industry.

Stacy Fritts Work
1 experience icon

General Manager at AMC Theatres in January 2000 to Present

2 experience icon

Assistant General Manager at Loews Cineplex Entertainment in January 1995 to December 1999

3 experience icon

Associate / Manager at Cineplex Odeon in May 1991 to December 1995

Stacy Fritts Education

The Art Institutes, AA, Graphic Design, February 1991 to February 1993

Stacy Fritts Skills


Customer Satisfaction

Recruitment and Retention

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About Stacy Fritts's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Stacy Fritts

What is Stacy Fritts email address?

Email Stacy Fritts at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Stacy Fritts's email found in 2025.

How to contact Stacy Fritts?

To contact Stacy Fritts send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Stacy Fritts work for?

Stacy Fritts works for AMC Theatres

What is Stacy Fritts's role at AMC Theatres?

Stacy Fritts is General Manager

What is Stacy Fritts's Phone Number?

Stacy Fritts's phone (206) ***-*677

What industry does Stacy Fritts work in?

Stacy Fritts works in the Entertainment industry.

Stacy Fritts Email Addresses

Email Stacy Fritts at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Stacy Fritts's email found in 2025.

Stacy Fritts Phone Numbers

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