Silvio Rodriguez Email & Phone Number

Silvio Rodriguez

Director of Assessment, Evaluation, & Testing - Division of Strategy & Institutional Effectiveness at Miami Dade College | Miami-Fort Lauderdale Area

Silvio Rodriguez Socials
About Silvio Rodriguez

Silvio Rodriguez currently serves as the Director of Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing (AET) at Miami Dade College, a role he has held since April 2015. In this capacity, he plays a pivotal role in enhancing the institution's academic and administrative effectiveness through the strategic collection and analysis of assessment and evaluation data. His expertise lies in fostering a culture of continuous improvement across the college community, ensuring that academic programs, student services, and administrative initiatives are not only effective but also aligned with institutional goals.

Under Rodriguez's leadership, the AET office has implemented innovative assessment methodologies that empower faculty and staff to utilize data-driven insights for program enhancement and student success. His commitment to staff development and training has been instrumental in cultivating a knowledgeable workforce adept at leveraging assessment tools and techniques. Rodriguez's previous experience as the Interim Director of Institutional Research and Director of Test Administration and Program Evaluation has equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of institutional effectiveness, allowing him to lead key projects that drive strategic initiatives.

Rodriguez is also a skilled public speaker and researcher, often sharing his insights on best practices in assessment and evaluation at conferences and workshops. His proficiency in data analysis and curriculum design further underscores his ability to contribute meaningfully to the college's mission of providing high-quality education and services. Through his leadership, Miami Dade College continues to thrive as a model of institutional effectiveness, dedicated to fostering student achievement and community engagement.

Silvio Rodriguez Work
1 experience icon

Director of Assessment, Evaluation, & Testing - Division of Strategy & Institutional Effectiveness at Miami Dade College in March 1989 to Present

2 experience icon

Director of Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing - Office of Institutional Effectiveness at Miami Dade College in March 1989 to Present

3 experience icon

Independent Broker at Silvio Rodriguez in July 1997 to April 1999

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Silvio Rodriguez Education

University of Wisconson - River Falls, Bachelor of Science (BS), January 1974 to January 1978

Barry University, Master of Business Administration (MBA), January 1979 to January 1981

Miami Beach Senior High School, Diploma, January 1971 to January 1974

Silvio Rodriguez Skills

Public Speaking

Student Affairs

Program Development

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About Silvio Rodriguez's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Silvio Rodriguez

What is Silvio Rodriguez email address?

Email Silvio Rodriguez at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Silvio Rodriguez's email found in 2025.

How to contact Silvio Rodriguez?

To contact Silvio Rodriguez send an email at [email protected].

What company does Silvio Rodriguez work for?

Silvio Rodriguez works for Miami Dade College

What is Silvio Rodriguez's role at Miami Dade College?

Silvio Rodriguez is Director of Assessment, Evaluation, & Testing - Division of Strategy & Institutional Effectiveness

What is Silvio Rodriguez's Phone Number?

Silvio Rodriguez's phone (**) *** *** 247

What industry does Silvio Rodriguez work in?

Silvio Rodriguez works in the Higher Education industry.

Silvio Rodriguez Email Addresses

Email Silvio Rodriguez at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Silvio Rodriguez's email found in 2025.

Silvio Rodriguez Phone Numbers

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