Samer Rashdan Email & Phone Number

Samer Rashdan

VP Product Management at Zuhly Technologies | San Jose, California, United States

Samer Rashdan Socials
About Samer Rashdan

Samer Rashdan serves as the Vice President of Product Management at Zuhly Technologies, where he leverages his extensive two-decade background in IT to drive innovation and deliver high-impact software development projects. With a focus on cloud transformations and the integration of AI and machine learning capabilities, Samer is at the forefront of crafting strategies that align cutting-edge technology with business objectives. His leadership is characterized by a results-oriented approach, ensuring that product initiatives not only meet market demands but also yield significant ROI.

At Zuhly Technologies, Samer is currently spearheading several key projects aimed at developing advanced AI/ML products that enhance operational efficiency and customer engagement. His expertise in resource planning, budgeting, and vendor management plays a crucial role in optimizing project execution and fostering collaboration across cross-functional teams. By implementing robust governance frameworks, he ensures that all initiatives adhere to industry standards and best practices, thereby mitigating risks and enhancing project outcomes.

Samer's technical acumen extends to areas such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and enterprise software solutions, enabling him to identify and leverage emerging technologies that drive competitive advantage. His experience as a Senior Solutions Architect and Director of AI/ML Engineering has equipped him with a unique perspective on the intersection of technology and business, allowing him to effectively communicate complex concepts to stakeholders at all levels. As a passionate advocate for teaching and knowledge sharing, Samer is committed to mentoring the next generation of technology leaders, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the organization.

Samer Rashdan Work
1 experience icon

VP Product Management at Zuhly Technologies in January 2024 to Present

2 experience icon

Head of Visibility and Insights | Product Owner at Pearson in November 2022 to January 2024

3 experience icon

Director of Information Technology at Pearson in June 2016 to November 2022

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Samer Rashdan Skills


Growth Initiatives

Long-term Vision

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About Samer Rashdan's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Samer Rashdan

What is Samer Rashdan email address?

Email Samer Rashdan at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Samer Rashdan's email found in 2025.

What is Samer Rashdan phone number?

Samer Rashdan phone number is (610) 996-6709, +1.4086558659 and 4086577659.

How to contact Samer Rashdan?

To contact Samer Rashdan send an email to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Samer Rashdan try calling on (610) 996-6709, +1.4086558659 and 4086577659.

What company does Samer Rashdan work for?

Samer Rashdan works for Zuhly Technologies

What is Samer Rashdan's role at Zuhly Technologies?

Samer Rashdan is VP Product Management

What industry does Samer Rashdan work in?

Samer Rashdan works in the Logistics & Supply Chain industry.

Samer Rashdan Email Addresses

Email Samer Rashdan at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Samer Rashdan's email found in 2025.

Samer Rashdan Phone Numbers

Samer Rashdan phone number is (610) 996-6709, +1.4086558659 and 4086577659.
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