Samantha Stone Email & Phone Number

Samantha Stone

Founder & CMO at The Marketing Advisory Network | Woburn, Massachusetts, United States

Samantha Stone Socials
About Samantha Stone

Samantha Stone, as the Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of The Marketing Advisory Network, embodies the essence of strategic innovation in B2B marketing. With her extensive expertise in go-to-market strategy and demand generation, she has become a pivotal figure in helping organizations navigate the complexities of high-growth environments. Samantha’s passion for unleashing potential is evident in her hands-on approach to consulting, where she leverages her analytical skills and deep understanding of market dynamics to drive tangible results.

At The Marketing Advisory Network, Samantha leads key projects that focus on enhancing revenue growth and identifying new business opportunities. Her work often involves crafting tailored marketing strategies that align with the unique selling processes of her clients, ensuring that each initiative is not only practical but also impactful. Samantha’s proficiency in content strategy and marketing automation allows her to create compelling narratives that resonate with target audiences, ultimately facilitating successful product launches and sustained engagement.

An accomplished speaker and researcher, Samantha is also a recognized persona expert, adept at translating complex customer insights into actionable marketing tactics. Her thought leadership, exemplified in her book "Unleash Possible: A Marketing Playbook that Drives Sales," serves as a guiding framework for organizations looking to refine their marketing efforts. Balancing her professional commitments with raising four children, Samantha exemplifies the modern leader who thrives on challenges and inspires those around her to embrace possibilities, making her a true catalyst for change in the marketing landscape.

Samantha Stone Work
1 experience icon

Founder & CMO at The Marketing Advisory Network in February 2012 to Present

2 experience icon

Persona Coach at Cintell in March 2015 to January 2017

3 experience icon

VP, North American Marketing at Mimecast in July 2010 to February 2012

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Samantha Stone Education

Bentley University, Leadership Series

MIT Sloan Executive Education, Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy, January 2018

Pragmatic Marketing, Effective Product Marketing

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Samantha Stone Skills


Go-to-market Strategy


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Frequently Asked Questions about Samantha Stone

What is Samantha Stone email address?

Email Samantha Stone at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Samantha Stone's email found in 2025.

What is Samantha Stone phone number?

Samantha Stone phone number is +1.7813541755.

How to contact Samantha Stone?

To contact Samantha Stone send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Samantha Stone try calling on +1.7813541755.

What company does Samantha Stone work for?

Samantha Stone works for The Marketing Advisory Network

What is Samantha Stone's role at The Marketing Advisory Network?

Samantha Stone is Founder & CMO

What industry does Samantha Stone work in?

Samantha Stone works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.

Samantha Stone Email Addresses

Email Samantha Stone at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Samantha Stone's email found in 2025.

Samantha Stone Phone Numbers

Samantha Stone phone number is +1.7813541755.
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