Sam Brown Email & Phone Number

Sam Brown

Vice President - Data Practices at Lawrence Harvey | New York, New York, United States

Sam Brown Socials
About Sam Brown

Sam Brown serves as the Vice President of Data Practices at Lawrence Harvey, where he plays a pivotal role in shaping the strategic direction and operational excellence of the firm’s recruitment efforts within the data sector. With P&L responsibility for three highly collaborative recruitment teams, Sam leverages his extensive expertise in technical recruiting to drive innovative solutions across diverse domains, including Computer Vision & Robotics, Data Science & Analytics, and Data Engineering.

Under Sam's leadership, the Computer Vision & Robotics team specializes in providing bespoke recruitment solutions tailored to the unique needs of clients in AI, autonomy, and robotics. This team is dedicated to sourcing top-tier talent that can propel advancements in these cutting-edge fields. Meanwhile, the Data Science & Analytics team, recognized for its industry-leading capabilities, partners with organizations to identify and attract skilled professionals adept in data analysis, machine learning, and statistical modeling. Sam’s commitment to fostering teamwork and collaboration across these teams ensures that Lawrence Harvey remains at the forefront of the data recruitment landscape.

Sam’s proficiency in data warehousing, Java, and R enhances his ability to connect with both clients and candidates, facilitating meaningful conversations that bridge the gap between technical expertise and organizational needs. His strong communication skills and consulting background empower him to deliver insights that drive strategic hiring decisions, ultimately supporting the international growth of Lawrence Harvey and its specialist brands. With a focus on nurturing talent and fostering innovation, Sam Brown is a key figure in advancing the data practices that underpin the future of technology-driven industries.

Sam Brown Work
1 experience icon

Vice President - Data Practices at Lawrence Harvey in January 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Head of Data Division at Lawrence Harvey in November 2021 to January 2022

3 experience icon

Divisional Manager - Head of Computer Vision & AI at Lawrence Harvey in December 2019 to November 2021

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Sam Brown Skills



Time Management

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About Sam Brown's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Sam Brown

What is Sam Brown email address?

Email Sam Brown at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sam Brown's email found in 2025.

What is Sam Brown phone number?

Sam Brown phone number is 212 796 6070 and 646 846 3356.

How to contact Sam Brown?

To contact Sam Brown send an email to [email protected]. If you want to call Sam Brown try calling on 212 796 6070 and 646 846 3356.

What company does Sam Brown work for?

Sam Brown works for Lawrence Harvey

What is Sam Brown's role at Lawrence Harvey?

Sam Brown is Vice President - Data Practices

What industry does Sam Brown work in?

Sam Brown works in the Staffing & Recruiting industry.

Sam Brown Email Addresses

Email Sam Brown at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sam Brown's email found in 2025.

Sam Brown Phone Numbers

Sam Brown phone number is 212 796 6070 and 646 846 3356.
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