Sam Briggs Email & Phone Number

Sam Briggs

Director of Sales at CallHub | Tucson, Arizona, United States

Sam Briggs Socials
About Sam Briggs

As the Director of Sales at CallHub, Sam Briggs leverages a wealth of experience in political tech sales to empower democratic and progressive campaigns. With a strong foundation in grassroots organizing, Sam has transitioned from campaign manager and field director to a pivotal role that focuses on providing innovative communication tools. His expertise lies in helping organizations effectively engage with voters through fast, affordable, and user-friendly calling and texting solutions.

At CallHub, Sam is instrumental in driving key projects that enhance direct voter contact strategies. He specializes in TCPA-compliant predictive dialing, self-paced auto dialers, and power dialers, ensuring that campaigns can reach constituents efficiently and effectively. Additionally, Sam's proficiency in peer-to-peer (P2P) texting, text-to-join initiatives, and broadcast messaging allows campaigns to cultivate deeper connections with their audiences.

His background in grassroots organizing informs his approach to sales, as he understands the nuances of volunteer recruitment, retention, and event logistics. Sam's strategic communications skills enable him to craft compelling narratives that resonate with potential clients, while his legislative advocacy experience ensures that the tools he promotes align with the needs of progressive movements. By bridging the gap between technology and grassroots activism, Sam is not just selling a product; he is equipping campaigns with the resources they need to make a meaningful impact.

For those interested in learning more about how CallHub can elevate their campaign efforts, Sam invites you to schedule a meeting: [Calendly link](

Sam Briggs Work
1 experience icon

Director of Sales at CallHub in January 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Sales Manager at GetThru in January 2019 to December 2021

3 experience icon

Dialer Project Director at GetThru in June 2018 to December 2018

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Sam Briggs Education

Knox College, Bachelor of Arts, January 2003 to January 2007

Sam Briggs Skills

Grassroots Organizing

Political Campaigns

Legislative Relations

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About Sam Briggs's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Sam Briggs

What is Sam Briggs email address?

Email Sam Briggs at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sam Briggs's email found in 2025.

What is Sam Briggs phone number?

Sam Briggs phone number is 614-407-4085.

How to contact Sam Briggs?

To contact Sam Briggs send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Sam Briggs try calling on 614-407-4085.

What company does Sam Briggs work for?

Sam Briggs works for CallHub

What is Sam Briggs's role at CallHub?

Sam Briggs is Director of Sales

Sam Briggs Email Addresses

Email Sam Briggs at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sam Briggs's email found in 2025.

Sam Briggs Phone Numbers

Sam Briggs phone number is 614-407-4085.
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