Roger Perry Email & Phone Number

Roger Perry

Executive Estates Director at Rodeo Realty Fine Estates | Beverly Hills, California, United States

Roger Perry Socials
About Roger Perry

As the Executive Estates Director at Rodeo Realty Fine Estates, Roger Perry brings a wealth of expertise and a passion for real estate that is palpable in every transaction. With a focus on representing both buyers and sellers, Roger navigates the complex landscape of real estate, from starter homes to multi-million dollar estates. His extensive knowledge of residential homes, luxury properties, and real estate owned (REO) transactions positions him as a trusted advisor in today’s volatile market.

Roger understands that each client is unique, and he thrives on the challenge of tailoring his approach to meet their individual needs. This commitment to personalization not only enhances the client experience but also drives him to continuously improve as an agent. His expertise in relocation services and investment properties further solidifies his reputation as a well-rounded professional in the industry.

Currently, Roger is spearheading key projects that focus on innovative marketing strategies and leveraging technology to enhance property visibility. He is adept at analyzing market trends, which allows him to provide clients with informed insights and strategic advice. In an environment where every area reacts differently to economic shifts, Roger’s ability to adapt and respond to these changes is invaluable. His dedication to excellence and client satisfaction makes him a standout figure in the competitive real estate landscape, ensuring that every transaction is not just a sale, but a fulfilling experience for all parties involved.

Roger Perry Work
1 experience icon

Executive Estates Director at Rodeo Realty Fine Estates in August 2013 to Present

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REALTOR - Broker Associate at Rodeo Realty Inc. - Beverly Hills in January 2010 to August 2012

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Creative Director at Roger Perry Inc in January 1999 to June 2010

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Roger Perry Education

University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), January 1991 to January 1995

University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business, Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), January 1991 to January 1995

Roger Perry Skills

Real Estate

Residential Homes


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About Roger Perry's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Roger Perry

What is Roger Perry email address?

Email Roger Perry at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Roger Perry's email found in 2025.

What is Roger Perry phone number?

Roger Perry phone number is +1.8189805380 and +1.6263450396.

How to contact Roger Perry?

To contact Roger Perry send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Roger Perry try calling on +1.8189805380 and +1.6263450396.

What company does Roger Perry work for?

Roger Perry works for Rodeo Realty Fine Estates

What is Roger Perry's role at Rodeo Realty Fine Estates?

Roger Perry is Executive Estates Director

What industry does Roger Perry work in?

Roger Perry works in the Real Estate industry.

Roger Perry Email Addresses

Email Roger Perry at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Roger Perry's email found in 2025.

Roger Perry Phone Numbers

Roger Perry phone number is +1.8189805380 and +1.6263450396.
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