Ripal Patel Email & Phone Number

Ripal Patel

Co-Founder | COO at Coding Temple | Chicago, Illinois, United States

Ripal Patel Socials
About Ripal Patel

Ripal Patel is a dynamic and visionary Co-Founder and COO of Coding Temple, where he has played a pivotal role in establishing the bootcamp as a leader in immersive technical education. With a robust background in the tech industry, Ripal is passionate about harnessing technology to empower individuals and organizations through comprehensive education and skill development. Under his leadership, Coding Temple has developed innovative curriculum frameworks that not only meet the demands of the ever-evolving tech landscape but also equip students with practical, hands-on experience in programming and software development.

Ripal's expertise in business development and strategic planning has been instrumental in identifying market trends and opportunities, allowing Coding Temple to attract and select top-tier candidates. He has designed a rigorous admissions process that includes thorough application reviews, interviews, and assessments, ensuring that the student body is composed of highly qualified individuals ready to excel in their careers. His commitment to career development is evident in the tailored training programs that prepare students for real-world challenges in software project management and programming.

In addition to his operational responsibilities, Ripal is dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the organization. He actively engages with industry partners to ensure that Coding Temple's offerings remain relevant and aligned with market needs. With strong skills in communication and time management, Ripal effectively leads his team in delivering exceptional educational experiences, making Coding Temple a sought-after destination for aspiring tech professionals. Through his visionary leadership, Ripal Patel continues to shape the future of tech education, empowering the next generation of developers and innovators.

Ripal Patel Work
1 experience icon

Co-Founder | COO at Coding Temple in January 2015 to Present

2 experience icon

Front-End Developer at ARR Web Solutions in July 2014 to February 2015

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Client Operation Specialist at TCD in January 2014 to June 2014

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Ripal Patel Education

University of Illinois at Chicago, January 2009 to January 2013

University of Illinois at Chicago, Bachelor of Science, January 2009 to January 2013

Coding Temple

Ripal Patel Skills

Cross-functional Team Leadership

Start-up Ventures

Career Development

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About Ripal Patel's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Ripal Patel

What is Ripal Patel email address?

Email Ripal Patel at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ripal Patel's email found in 2025.

How to contact Ripal Patel?

To contact Ripal Patel send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Ripal Patel work for?

Ripal Patel works for Coding Temple

What is Ripal Patel's role at Coding Temple?

Ripal Patel is Co-Founder | COO

What is Ripal Patel's Phone Number?

Ripal Patel's phone (217) ***-*261

What industry does Ripal Patel work in?

Ripal Patel works in the Computer Software industry.

Ripal Patel Email Addresses

Email Ripal Patel at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ripal Patel's email found in 2025.

Ripal Patel Phone Numbers

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