Ratish Naroor Email & Phone Number

Ratish Naroor

Global Head of SEO at Etsy | Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Ratish Naroor Socials
About Ratish Naroor

Ratish Naroor is a seasoned SEO and product leader with over 15 years of extensive experience in the e-commerce sector, currently serving as the Global Head of SEO at Etsy. In this pivotal role, Ratish has been instrumental in driving significant growth in the company's gross merchandise sales (GMS), managing a baseline of $1.23 billion per year and generating an impressive $200 million in incremental GMS through innovative SEO programs over the past three years. His strategic vision has not only enhanced Etsy's visibility in search engines but has also expanded the international SEO GMS to account for 35% of the total, showcasing his expertise in marketplace SEO and global market penetration.

Ratish's core specialties lie in SEO strategy and implementation planning, where he excels in blitzscaling information architecture (IA) and optimizing landing pages alongside a robust internal linking strategy. His focus on mobile web SEO has been particularly impactful, aligning with current trends in user behavior and search engine algorithms. By evangelizing clarity around SEO best practices and leveraging programmatic SEO techniques, Ratish has fostered a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the organization.

His proficiency in editorial SEO, revenue-led SEO, and tools such as Google Search Console and Google Analytics further solidifies his reputation as a thought leader in the industry. Ratish's adeptness in agile methodologies and web development complements his SEO initiatives, ensuring that Etsy remains at the forefront of organic search performance. Through his leadership, Ratish Naroor is not only enhancing Etsy's search engine presence but is also setting new benchmarks for success in the e-commerce landscape.

Ratish Naroor Work
1 experience icon

Global Head of SEO at Etsy in February 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Vice President of Product, Consumer Web & SEO at Slice in April 2020 to February 2021

3 experience icon

Vice President, SEO at Slice in June 2018 to April 2020

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Ratish Naroor Skills

Editorial SEO

Technical SEO

Programmatic SEO

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About Ratish Naroor's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Ratish Naroor

What is Ratish Naroor email address?

Email Ratish Naroor at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ratish Naroor's email found in 2025.

What is Ratish Naroor phone number?

Ratish Naroor phone number is (602) 363-0645.

How to contact Ratish Naroor?

To contact Ratish Naroor send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Ratish Naroor try calling on (602) 363-0645.

What company does Ratish Naroor work for?

Ratish Naroor works for Etsy

What is Ratish Naroor's role at Etsy?

Ratish Naroor is Global Head of SEO

What industry does Ratish Naroor work in?

Ratish Naroor works in the Computer Software industry.

Ratish Naroor Email Addresses

Email Ratish Naroor at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ratish Naroor's email found in 2025.

Ratish Naroor Phone Numbers

Ratish Naroor phone number is (602) 363-0645.
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