Ramey Ebrahim Email & Phone Number

Ramey Ebrahim

Clean Energy District Manager at Sunrun | New York City Metropolitan Area

Ramey Ebrahim Socials
About Ramey Ebrahim

Ramey A. Ebrahim serves as the Clean Energy District Manager at Sunrun, where he is instrumental in driving the retail division for Long Island. With over a decade of experience in customer and employee services, Ramey has honed his skills in salesmanship, leveraging his ability to communicate with confidence, modesty, and integrity to foster trust among clients and team members alike. Under his leadership, the Long Island team has achieved remarkable milestones, including an impressive average of over 70 Solar Referral Agreements (SRAs) monthly, with a record high of 114 agreements signed in March 2024. His strategic approach not only enhances the company’s reputation but also contributes significantly to its profitability.

Ramey manages a dynamic team of 15 to 25 employees, focusing on developing their skills and fostering a collaborative environment that promotes success. His expertise in utilizing various multimedia tools, including Photoshop and Final Cut Pro, allows him to create compelling marketing materials that resonate with potential customers. Additionally, Ramey’s proficiency in data analysis through spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel enables him to track performance metrics effectively, ensuring that the team meets and exceeds its goals. By employing innovative techniques and strategies, he continues to elevate Sunrun’s presence in the clean energy sector, making significant strides toward a sustainable future for Long Island. Ramey’s commitment to excellence and his ability to inspire his team are key factors in his ongoing success at Sunrun.

Ramey Ebrahim Work
1 experience icon

Clean Energy District Manager at Sunrun in February 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder at Common Connect in February 2018 to Present

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Retail Solar Advisor at Sunrun in May 2017 to February 2021

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Ramey Ebrahim Education

New York Institute of Technology-Old Westbury, Master of Arts (MA), January 2011 to January 2013

New York Institute of Technology-Old Westbury, Business Administration and Management, General, January 2006 to January 2010

Ramey Ebrahim Skills



Word Processing

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About Ramey Ebrahim's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Ramey Ebrahim

What is Ramey A Ebrahim email address?

Email Ramey A Ebrahim at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ramey A Ebrahim's email found in 2025.

What is Ramey A Ebrahim phone number?

Ramey A Ebrahim phone number is 5163608561.

How to contact Ramey A Ebrahim?

To contact Ramey A Ebrahim send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Ramey A Ebrahim try calling on 5163608561.

What company does Ramey Ebrahim work for?

Ramey Ebrahim works for Sunrun

What is Ramey Ebrahim's role at Sunrun?

Ramey Ebrahim is Clean Energy District Manager

What industry does Ramey Ebrahim work in?

Ramey Ebrahim works in the Renewables & Environment industry.

Ramey Ebrahim Email Addresses

Ramey Ebrahim Phone Numbers

Ramey A Ebrahim phone number is 5163608561.
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