Natasha Pavlovich Email & Phone Number

Natasha Pavlovich

Senior Account Manager at AP Keaton | United States

Natasha Pavlovich Socials
About Natasha Pavlovich

As a Senior Account Manager at AP Keaton, Natasha Pavlovich leverages her extensive background in sales and customer service to drive impactful trade marketing initiatives for top spirits suppliers. With a hands-on approach and a deep understanding of the hospitality industry, Natasha excels in orchestrating cross-functional teams that include designers, account managers, logistics, and fabrication coordinators. Her role is pivotal in executing national brand campaigns, where she seamlessly integrates marketing strategy with operational execution to ensure that each project not only meets but exceeds client expectations.

Natasha's entrepreneurial spirit and empathetic leadership style set her apart in a competitive landscape. She is dedicated to supporting small businesses at every level, fostering strong client relations that go beyond mere transactions. Her expertise in contract negotiation and sales processes enables her to navigate complex agreements with ease, ensuring that all parties benefit from mutually advantageous partnerships. Natasha’s ability to communicate effectively, both in writing and verbally, allows her to articulate marketing campaigns and strategies clearly, making her an invaluable asset to her clients.

Currently, Natasha is spearheading several key projects that focus on enhancing brand visibility and engagement at retail locations. Her innovative approach to catering and private events not only elevates the customer experience but also drives sales growth for her clients. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for the spirits industry, Natasha Pavlovich continues to make a significant impact at AP Keaton, helping brands connect with consumers in meaningful ways.

Natasha Pavlovich Work
1 experience icon

Senior Account Manager at AP Keaton in November 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Executive Director-Sales & Marketing at The Skylark in June 2019 to December 2019

3 experience icon

Director Of Special Events at estiatorio Milos in September 2018 to May 2019

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Natasha Pavlovich Skills


Presentation Skills

Marketing Campaigns

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Frequently Asked Questions about Natasha Pavlovich

What is Natasha Pavlovich email address?

Email Natasha Pavlovich at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Natasha Pavlovich's email found in 2025.

How to contact Natasha Pavlovich?

To contact Natasha Pavlovich send an email at [email protected].

What company does Natasha Pavlovich work for?

Natasha Pavlovich works for AP Keaton

What is Natasha Pavlovich's role at AP Keaton?

Natasha Pavlovich is Senior Account Manager

What is Natasha Pavlovich's Phone Number?

Natasha Pavlovich's phone (***) ***-*287

What industry does Natasha Pavlovich work in?

Natasha Pavlovich works in the Hospitality industry.

Natasha Pavlovich Email Addresses

Email Natasha Pavlovich at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Natasha Pavlovich's email found in 2025.

Natasha Pavlovich Phone Numbers

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