Nadina Benvenisti Email & Phone Number

Nadina Benvenisti

Construction, Property & Engineering Recruitment Specialist at NB Career Consulting | Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Nadina Benvenisti Socials
About Nadina Benvenisti

Nadina Benvenisti is a seasoned Construction, Property, and Engineering Recruitment Specialist at NB Career Consulting, where she leverages her extensive recruitment background to empower clients in navigating their career paths. With a rich history that began in the UK focusing on IT and high-tech manufacturing, Nadina transitioned to Sydney in 2007, honing her expertise in the construction and engineering sectors. Her unique approach combines a deep understanding of industry dynamics with a passion for people, allowing her to effectively identify and match talent to the right opportunities.

At NB Career Consulting, Nadina is not just a CV writer; she is a strategic partner in her clients' career journeys. Her commitment to their success is evident in her tailored services that go beyond traditional recruitment. She provides invaluable insights into performance management, candidate marketing, and strategic recruitment planning, ensuring her clients are well-equipped to stand out in a competitive job market. By offering personalized advice and practical tips, Nadina empowers job seekers to make informed decisions that align with their skills and aspirations.

Key projects under her leadership include developing niche talent acquisition strategies and building robust talent pipelines for various clients in the construction and engineering sectors. Her proficiency in customer relationship management (CRM) and consultant training further enhances her ability to deliver exceptional service. With a keen eye for identifying potential and limitations, Nadina Benvenisti continues to make a significant impact in the recruitment landscape, helping professionals unlock their full potential and achieve lasting career success.

Nadina Benvenisti Work
1 experience icon

Construction, Property & Engineering Recruitment Specialist at NB Career Consulting in April 2019 to Present

2 experience icon

Resume Writer | Career Coach | Recruitment Specialist at NB Career Consulting in June 2018 to Present

3 experience icon

Construction Recruitment Specialist at Enhanced Resourcing in November 2016 to June 2018

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Nadina Benvenisti Skills


Career Counseling

Resume Writing

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About Nadina Benvenisti's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Nadina Benvenisti

What is Nadina Benvenisti email address?

Email Nadina Benvenisti at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Nadina Benvenisti's email found in 2025.

What is Nadina Benvenisti phone number?

Nadina Benvenisti phone number is 0283860487 (Work) and 0437590411 (Mobile).

How to contact Nadina Benvenisti?

To contact Nadina Benvenisti send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Nadina Benvenisti try calling on 0283860487 (Work) and 0437590411 (Mobile).

What company does Nadina Benvenisti work for?

Nadina Benvenisti works for NB Career Consulting

What is Nadina Benvenisti's role at NB Career Consulting?

Nadina Benvenisti is Construction, Property & Engineering Recruitment Specialist

What industry does Nadina Benvenisti work in?

Nadina Benvenisti works in the Construction industry.

Nadina Benvenisti Email Addresses

Email Nadina Benvenisti at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Nadina Benvenisti's email found in 2025.

Nadina Benvenisti Phone Numbers

Nadina Benvenisti phone number is 0283860487 (Work) and 0437590411 (Mobile).
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