Mitch Sullivan Email & Phone Number

Mitch Sullivan

Trainer/Coach at Copywriting for Recruiters | Greater London, England, United Kingdom

Mitch Sullivan Socials
About Mitch Sullivan

Mitch Sullivan is a seasoned expert in recruitment training, specializing in the art of crafting compelling job advertisements that resonate with potential candidates. As a Trainer and Coach at Copywriting for Recruiters, Mitch plays a pivotal role in enhancing the recruitment marketing strategies of organizations. His current focus is on delivering the acclaimed 'Copywriting for Recruiters' training program, which he co-facilitates with industry veteran Jackie Barrie. This program is designed to empower recruiters with the skills necessary to create effective job advertisements—content that not only informs but also entices candidates to apply.

Mitch’s expertise lies in distinguishing between a job advert and a job description, a crucial differentiation that many recruiters overlook. He emphasizes that a job advertisement is any piece of content aimed at attracting talent, whether it’s a social media post, an email, or a traditional job listing. Through his training, participants learn how to sell job vacancies more effectively by employing persuasive language and strategic messaging that aligns with employer branding.

With a background in recruiting, sourcing, and team leadership, Mitch brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. His approach combines creativity with practical techniques, ensuring that recruiters can improve their writing skills while also understanding the nuances of the hiring landscape. By focusing on the unique challenges of recruitment marketing, Mitch Sullivan is dedicated to transforming how organizations attract top talent, making him an invaluable resource for recruiters looking to elevate their hiring processes. For those interested in refining their recruitment marketing skills, Mitch’s training offers a comprehensive pathway to success.

Mitch Sullivan Work
1 experience icon

Trainer/Coach at Copywriting for Recruiters in October 2015 to Present

2 experience icon

Recruiter at F T Recruitment Ltd in January 2006 to April 2020

3 experience icon

Author at On Recruitment in October 2017 to October 2018

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Mitch Sullivan Skills



Recruitment Advertising

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About Mitch Sullivan's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Mitch Sullivan

What is Mitch Sullivan email address?

Email Mitch Sullivan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Mitch Sullivan's email found in 2024.

What is Mitch Sullivan phone number?

Mitch Sullivan phone number is 07725 185395 and +44.1895639773.

How to contact Mitch Sullivan?

To contact Mitch Sullivan send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Mitch Sullivan try calling on 07725 185395 and +44.1895639773.

What company does Mitch Sullivan work for?

Mitch Sullivan works for Copywriting for Recruiters

What is Mitch Sullivan's role at Copywriting for Recruiters?

Mitch Sullivan is Trainer/Coach

What industry does Mitch Sullivan work in?

Mitch Sullivan works in the Staffing & Recruiting industry.

Mitch Sullivan Email Addresses

Email Mitch Sullivan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Mitch Sullivan's email found in 2024.

Mitch Sullivan Phone Numbers

Mitch Sullivan phone number is 07725 185395 and +44.1895639773.
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