Michael Hammer Email & Phone Number

Michael Hammer

CFO at BMW i Ventures | San Francisco, California, United States

Michael Hammer Socials
About Michael Hammer

Michael Christoph Hammer serves as the Chief Financial Officer at BMW i Ventures, where he plays a pivotal role in shaping the financial landscape of one of the most innovative venture capital firms in Silicon Valley. With a keen focus on early to mid-stage investments, Michael is instrumental in identifying and nurturing purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are at the forefront of technological advancements in sectors such as Autonomous Driving, E-Mobility, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Industry 4.0, Smart Supply Chain, and Sustainability. His expertise in financial structuring and investment management allows him to craft tailored strategies that align with the firm’s vision of fostering high-performance companies that drive meaningful change.

At BMW i Ventures, Michael leads key projects that emphasize precision and agility in investment execution, ensuring that the firm remains competitive in a rapidly evolving market. His strategic leadership is complemented by a robust understanding of exit strategies and asset allocation, enabling him to optimize the firm’s portfolio management while mitigating risks associated with venture capital investments. Michael’s commitment to impact investments is reflected in his meticulous approach to investment due diligence, where he evaluates opportunities that not only promise financial returns but also contribute positively to society and the environment.

Through his role, Michael Christoph Hammer not only enhances the operational and financial matters of BMW i Ventures but also champions a culture of innovation and sustainability, positioning the firm as a leader in the venture capital landscape. His ability to navigate complex financial landscapes while fostering collaborative relationships within the ecosystem of specialists further solidifies his reputation as a key player in the venture capital arena.

Michael Hammer Work
1 experience icon

CFO at BMW i Ventures in January 2017 to Present

2 experience icon

Board Observer at Proterra Inc in January 2019 to December 2020

3 experience icon

Investment Manager at BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt in September 2013 to December 2016

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Michael Hammer Education

Ulm University, Master / Diploma, January 2002 to January 2006

Michael Hammer Skills

Asset Management

Asset Allocation


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About Michael Hammer's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Hammer

What is Michael Christoph Hammer email address?

Email Michael Christoph Hammer at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Michael Christoph Hammer's email found in 2025.

How to contact Michael Christoph Hammer?

To contact Michael Christoph Hammer send an email at [email protected].

What company does Michael Hammer work for?

Michael Hammer works for BMW i Ventures

What is Michael Hammer's role at BMW i Ventures?

Michael Hammer is CFO

What is Michael Hammer's Phone Number?

Michael Hammer's phone (213) ***-*113

What industry does Michael Hammer work in?

Michael Hammer works in the Automotive industry.

Michael Hammer Email Addresses

Michael Hammer Phone Numbers

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