Michael Gillespie Email & Phone Number

Michael Gillespie

Property and Assets Manager at Cherwell District Council | Solihull, England, United Kingdom

Michael Gillespie Socials
About Michael Gillespie

Michael Gillespie serves as the Property and Assets Manager at Cherwell District Council, where he leverages his extensive background as a Chartered Surveyor to drive strategic initiatives in estate management. In his current role, he is responsible for overseeing a diverse portfolio of properties, ensuring optimal utilization and compliance with estate law. Michael's expertise in real estate development and business planning allows him to identify opportunities for growth and improvement within the council's assets, ultimately enhancing community value.

A key aspect of Michael's role involves collaborating with various multi-agency groups and external stakeholders, fostering strong supplier relationships that are essential for successful project execution. His ability to lead and motivate teams has been instrumental in delivering high-impact projects that align with the council's strategic objectives. Michael is particularly passionate about sustainable property management practices, advocating for innovative solutions that balance economic viability with environmental stewardship.

Currently, he is spearheading several initiatives aimed at optimizing the council's property portfolio, including a comprehensive review of leases and procurement strategies. By employing his skills in business development and marketing, Michael is not only enhancing the council's asset management capabilities but also ensuring that the community's needs are met through effective real estate solutions. His commitment to excellence and collaborative approach make him a vital asset to Cherwell District Council and the broader property management landscape.

Michael Gillespie Work
1 experience icon

Property and Assets Manager at Cherwell District Council in March 2023 to Present

2 experience icon

Owner at M B J Gillespie Limited in January 2012 to March 2023

3 experience icon

Head of Property Services at Broxbourne Council in January 2022 to January 2023

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Michael Gillespie Education

College of Estates Management, Dip Surv, January 1994 to January 1997

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Michael Gillespie Skills

User Requirements


Analytical Skills

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About Michael Gillespie's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Gillespie

What is Michael Gillespie email address?

Email Michael Gillespie at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Michael Gillespie's email found in 2025.

What is Michael Gillespie phone number?

Michael Gillespie phone number is 07976 691030.

How to contact Michael Gillespie?

To contact Michael Gillespie send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Michael Gillespie try calling on 07976 691030.

What company does Michael Gillespie work for?

Michael Gillespie works for Cherwell District Council

What is Michael Gillespie's role at Cherwell District Council?

Michael Gillespie is Property and Assets Manager

What industry does Michael Gillespie work in?

Michael Gillespie works in the Government Administration industry.

Michael Gillespie Email Addresses

Email Michael Gillespie at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Michael Gillespie's email found in 2025.

Michael Gillespie Phone Numbers

Michael Gillespie phone number is 07976 691030.
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