Max Weinberg Email & Phone Number

Max Weinberg

Senior Director Promotional Marketing - Geffen Records at Interscope Records | Los Angeles Metropolitan Area

Max Weinberg Socials
About Max Weinberg

Max Weinberg is a seasoned entertainment industry executive with over 15 years of experience at the intersection of music, media, and marketing. Currently serving as the Senior Director of Promotional Marketing at Geffen Records, a subsidiary of Interscope Records, Max leverages his extensive expertise in digital marketing and new media to drive innovative promotional strategies that elevate artists' visibility and engagement. His role involves collaborating closely with artists, managers, and cross-functional teams to craft tailored marketing campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences across various platforms.

At Geffen Records, Max is instrumental in spearheading key projects that harness the power of social media and digital media to create impactful narratives around artists and their music. His deep understanding of the entertainment landscape allows him to effectively navigate the complexities of publicity and marketing in a rapidly evolving industry. By integrating cutting-edge technology and data-driven insights, he ensures that promotional efforts not only capture attention but also foster lasting connections between artists and fans.

Max's passion for innovation is evident in his work at major music festivals and events, where he has successfully orchestrated promotional initiatives that amplify artist presence and enhance audience experiences. His ability to blend traditional marketing techniques with modern digital strategies has positioned him as a thought leader in the realm of promotional marketing. As he continues to shape the future of artist promotion at Geffen Records, Max remains committed to advancing the careers of artists while embracing the disruptive forces that define the contemporary music industry.

Max Weinberg Work
1 experience icon

Senior Director Promotional Marketing - Geffen Records at Interscope Records in March 2017 to Present

2 experience icon

Head of Marketing - Geffen Records at Interscope Records in June 2018 to Present

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VP Marketing at Interscope Records in January 2021 to Present

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Max Weinberg Education

Syracuse University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), January 2008 to January 2012

HBX / Harvard Business School, Core: Credential of Readiness, January 2015

The Bandier Program for Recording and Entertainment Industries, Syracuse University, January 2008 to January 2012

Max Weinberg Skills

Music Industry

New Media


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About Max Weinberg's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Max Weinberg

What is Max Weinberg email address?

Email Max Weinberg at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Max Weinberg's email found in 2025.

What is Max Weinberg phone number?

Max Weinberg phone number is (212) 337-0094.

How to contact Max Weinberg?

To contact Max Weinberg send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Max Weinberg try calling on (212) 337-0094.

What company does Max Weinberg work for?

Max Weinberg works for Interscope Records

What is Max Weinberg's role at Interscope Records?

Max Weinberg is Senior Director Promotional Marketing - Geffen Records

What industry does Max Weinberg work in?

Max Weinberg works in the Entertainment industry.

Max Weinberg Email Addresses

Email Max Weinberg at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Max Weinberg's email found in 2025.

Max Weinberg Phone Numbers

Max Weinberg phone number is (212) 337-0094.
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