Lancey Bradley Email & Phone Number

Lancey Bradley

Fulltime Student at American Military University | United States

Lancey Bradley Socials
About Lancey Bradley

Lancey Bradley is currently navigating an exciting transition as a full-time student at American Military University, where he is in the senior year of his Bachelor's degree program. With nine years of honorable service in the Marine Corps, Lancey brings a wealth of experience in leadership, discipline, and strategic thinking to his academic pursuits. His military background has honed his skills in project management and comprehensive planning, enabling him to approach complex tasks with operational efficiency and a keen eye for detail.

At American Military University, Lancey is not only focused on his studies but also actively engages in key projects that leverage his expertise in human resources and records management. He is particularly interested in the intersection of e-learning and traditional education, exploring innovative methods to enhance learning experiences for diverse audiences. His proficiency in audio-visual support and nonverbal communication allows him to effectively convey ideas and foster collaboration among peers.

As he prepares to pursue a graduate degree immediately upon completion of his Bachelor's, Lancey is committed to lifelong learning and professional development. His passion for education and desire to make a meaningful impact in the field of management are evident in his dedication to mastering skills such as persuasion and operational efficiency. With a strong foundation built on military service and academic excellence, Lancey is poised to contribute significantly to any organization he joins in the future.

Lancey Bradley Work
1 experience icon

Fulltime Student at American Military University in August 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

Public Information/Communication Specialist at YUCAIPA-CALIMESA JOINT UNF in February 2021 to Present

3 experience icon

Head of Technology and Fundraising at Yucaipa-Calimesa Family Promise in May 2021 to Present

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Lancey Bradley Education

American Military University, Bachelor of Arts - BA, January 2014 to January 2020

Shaw Academy, Professional Diploma, January 2019

Anacortes High School, High School Diploma, January 2004 to January 2008

Lancey Bradley Skills


Electronic Troubleshooting

Training & Development

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About Lancey Bradley's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Lancey Bradley

What is Lancey Bradley email address?

Email Lancey Bradley at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Lancey Bradley's email found in 2025.

What is Lancey Bradley phone number?

Lancey Bradley phone number is 760-368-5277.

How to contact Lancey Bradley?

To contact Lancey Bradley send an email at [email protected] you want to call Lancey Bradley try calling on 760-368-5277.

What company does Lancey Bradley work for?

Lancey Bradley works for American Military University

What is Lancey Bradley's role at American Military University?

Lancey Bradley is Fulltime Student

Lancey Bradley Email Addresses

Email Lancey Bradley at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Lancey Bradley's email found in 2025.

Lancey Bradley Phone Numbers

Lancey Bradley phone number is 760-368-5277.
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