Laila Overs Email & Phone Number

Laila Overs

Voice Over Artist, Singer at Laila Berzins Voice Overs | Los Angeles County, California, United States

Laila Overs Socials
About Laila Overs

Laila Berzins is a dynamic voice-over artist and singer whose passion for performance is evident in every project she undertakes. Inspired by the comedic genius of Robin Williams, Laila brings a unique blend of humor and professionalism to her sessions, ensuring that clients not only receive top-notch voice work but also enjoy the process. With a friendly, deep voice that resonates with gravitas, she excels in delivering reads that evoke warmth and familiarity, making her an ideal choice for roles that require a best friend, nurturing mother figure, or authoritative narrator.

Laila's impressive portfolio includes collaborations with industry giants such as Disney, Google, Cartoon Network, and Nike, showcasing her versatility across various media platforms. Her work on high-profile projects like "God of War" and campaigns for JP Morgan Chase and Trodelvy highlight her ability to adapt her voice to fit a wide range of characters and narratives, from animated creatures to informative NPR-style presentations.

With a skill set that encompasses singing, broadcasting, and multimedia production, Laila is not just a voice; she is a storyteller who brings scripts to life through her engaging delivery and character work. Her expertise in screenwriting and scripting further enhances her ability to understand the nuances of each project, allowing her to infuse authenticity and emotion into every performance. Whether she’s voicing a beloved character or narrating a corporate video, Laila Berzins continues to leave a lasting impression, making every session a joyful experience for her clients.

Laila Overs Work
1 experience icon

Voice Over Artist, Singer at Laila Berzins Voice Overs in December 2008 to Present

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Social Media Guru/Marketing Assistant at Moey's Music Party in April 2011 to August 2011

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Temp Assistant to the Senior VP of Outreach and Education at Sesame Workshop in May 2011 to May 2011

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Laila Overs Education

University of Connecticut, Bachelors, January 2005 to January 2007

Wheaton College Massachusetts, transferred to Uconn, January 2002 to January 2004

Laila Overs Skills

Voice Over

Creative Writing


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About Laila Overs's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Laila Overs

What is Laila Berzins Voice Overs email address?

Email Laila Berzins Voice Overs at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Laila Berzins Voice Overs's email found in 2025.

What is Laila Berzins Voice Overs phone number?

Laila Berzins Voice Overs phone number is 818-321-2687.

How to contact Laila Berzins Voice Overs?

To contact Laila Berzins Voice Overs send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Laila Berzins Voice Overs try calling on 818-321-2687.

What company does Laila Overs work for?

Laila Overs works for Laila Berzins Voice Overs

What is Laila Overs's role at Laila Berzins Voice Overs?

Laila Overs is Voice Over Artist, Singer

What industry does Laila Overs work in?

Laila Overs works in the Media Production industry.

Laila Overs Email Addresses

Laila Overs Phone Numbers

Laila Berzins Voice Overs phone number is 818-321-2687.
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