Keyraliz Cordero Email & Phone Number

Keyraliz Cordero

Catering and events manager at H-E-B, Inc. | San Antonio, Texas, United States

Keyraliz Cordero Socials
About Keyraliz Cordero

Keyraliz Cordero is a dynamic and passionate Catering and Events Manager at H-E-B, Inc., where she leverages her exceptional leadership qualities and organizational skills to drive successful catering operations. Having started her journey with H-E-B as a Bar and Restaurant Lead, Keyraliz has progressively advanced through the ranks, showcasing her ability to adapt and excel in high-volume environments. In her current role, she oversees the entire catering process, from the initial client consultation to the meticulous breakdown of events, ensuring that every detail aligns with the company's commitment to excellence.

Keyraliz's expertise in event planning is complemented by her strong focus on client relations and team development. She is responsible for hiring and training all event staff, fostering a collaborative atmosphere that enhances overall productivity and service quality. Her day-to-day responsibilities include scheduling, conducting site tours, and executing cold calls to generate new business opportunities, all while maintaining a keen eye on customer service excellence.

With a skill set that includes time management, human resources, and team motivation, Keyraliz is adept at prioritizing tasks and delegating responsibilities effectively. Her proficiency in Microsoft Outlook and PowerPoint further supports her ability to communicate and present ideas clearly, making her an invaluable asset to the H-E-B catering team. Through her dedication and innovative approach, Keyraliz continues to elevate the catering experience, ensuring that each event not only meets but exceeds client expectations.

Keyraliz Cordero Work
1 experience icon

Catering and events manager at H-E-B, Inc. in July 2015 to Present

2 experience icon

Substitute Teacher at Belton ISD in January 2015 to July 2015

3 experience icon

Banquet Lead at Caribe Hilton in January 2013 to January 2014

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Keyraliz Cordero Education

UPR, Humacao, February 2025

University of Phoenix, Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA, February 2025

Keyraliz Cordero Skills

Recursos humanos

Servicio de atención al cliente

Microsoft Office

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Frequently Asked Questions about Keyraliz Cordero

What is Keyraliz Cordero email address?

Email Keyraliz Cordero at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Keyraliz Cordero's email found in 2025.

How to contact Keyraliz Cordero?

To contact Keyraliz Cordero send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Keyraliz Cordero work for?

Keyraliz Cordero works for H-E-B, Inc.

What is Keyraliz Cordero's role at H-E-B, Inc.?

Keyraliz Cordero is Catering and events manager

What is Keyraliz Cordero's Phone Number?

Keyraliz Cordero's phone (214) ***-*558

What industry does Keyraliz Cordero work in?

Keyraliz Cordero works in the Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry.

Keyraliz Cordero Email Addresses

Email Keyraliz Cordero at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Keyraliz Cordero's email found in 2025.

Keyraliz Cordero Phone Numbers

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